[tei-council] TEI Newsfeed

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jul 24 07:59:16 EDT 2012

Hi all,

As you know SourceForge are terminating support for 'hosted 
apps'. This means they were going to shut down the wordpress blog 
that we use to power our newsfeed on TEI-C. Simultaneously many 
of us have had problems accessing the wordpress blog on 
SourceForge, so couldn't get a proper wordpress 'export' of the 

I could, however, get a database dump of the wordpress database 
from SourceForge. I set up wordpress on my own machine 
temporarily, then imported this database, then manually edited it 
to create a real admin account (SourceForge always did this with 
a bit of indirection) and modify some necessary URLs. Once I 
could get into the local wordpress as an admin I exported the 
wordpress posts/categories/etc as a wordpress xml file. I then 
reimported these into 
http://textencodinginitiative.wordpress.com/ as a new location.

I've modified the shell script and XSLT in SVN under 
TEIC/newsfeed/ and updated those up on the tei-c.org machine. I 
put in a test post about the newsfeed move, and it all seems to 
be working.

However, there are bound to be some problems, especially with 
legacy URLs inside posts, etc.  If you happen across any please 
do let me know.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
OUCS, University of Oxford

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