[tei-council] Garagiste off piste?

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jun 26 13:35:33 EDT 2012

On 26/06/12 17:46, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 26 Jun 2012, at 17:45, Lou Burnard wrote:
>> Well, speaking for myself, we have this naive idea that if  a nice simple web interface exists we might as well use it. And that if something is wrong with our input a nice simple interface might give us a bit of a clue as to what it was.
> you're weird ….. :-}
> anyway, are you telling me it still fails?
> --

Yus. There are two failures, both in the roma interface.

a) if you give it a crap document (the doc I was using turns out to be a 
TEI P3 SGML doc, not a P4 XML one at all: it was just lying to me), then 
it doesn't fail with a useful error message. It should say "Document 
format unrecognised" or something sensible.

b) more seriously, once you have uploaded a crap document, every time 
you try giving it a different one (even if it's not crap), yoiu get the 
same error message. That's my current theory anyway: I have two 
documents which work fine at the command line, but which now both give 
the rubbish error message quoted earlier in the web app. I even tried 
reloading the garage, but the same thing happens, so it must be on the 

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