[tei-council] Interesting Oxygen behaviour

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jun 19 16:50:22 EDT 2012

On 19/06/12 21:44, Martin Holmes wrote:
> It wasn't till I actually downloaded the oxygen-tei packages and
> overwrote my TEI framework folder in Oxygen that I got the correct
> result. It appears that if you try to validate a file against a TEI
> schema on the TEI website, Oxygen is determined to use its own local
> copy, without checking whether they're the same or not. That wasted a
> bunch of my time.

Yes, I've noticed this several times. I think that if there is an 
<?xml-model..?> or <?oxygen..?> then oXygen should give priority 
to this, but as far as I can tell it doesn't.

We don't have a way for people to _easily_ update just the 
oxygen-tei framework used in their version of oXygen doing some 
quite geeky things.  (So by easy I mean go to a list of document 
type associations / frameworks and click 'check for updates' and 
have it automatically done if there is a new update.)  Maybe we 
should suggest to oXygen?

It would be good on new releases to be able to say 'Download it 
from here, or if you are in oXygen click the 'check for new tei 
releases' button.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev
Oxford University Computing Services
University of Oxford

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