[tei-council] proposed additions to tcw22

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jun 15 09:42:00 EDT 2012

I'm not sure what we follow is strictly Unicode version 
numbering, but it is certainly similar to it.  There is 
documentation about this at:


This does Major.minor.update numbers, incrementing for major 
changes, minor changes, and small updates.

In our case we do Major.schema-changing.non-schema-changing 
numbering... but that is a bit of a mouthful.  The idea being we 
increment the second number only if changes that affect the 
schema have been introduced. If we correct some typos in the 
prose then we only increment the latter.  Note, if my 
understanding is correct, it might be theoretically possible to 
do a major change that wasn't schema changing. (e.g. if we 
rewrote most of the prose but didn't change element definitions 
or similar things which modify the TEI schema or abstract model). 
I think that would be very unlikely.

So for example, the previous release was 2.0.2, and this release 
will be 2.1.0 because we have made schema-related changes but not 
so many or of such a drastic nature that we have made a major 


On 15/06/12 14:29, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
> I propose the following additions to tcw22 to clarify creation and
> maintenance of readme files for releases:
> ###
> tcw22 should be revised so that:
> a) Before a release, the release technical skims the log and summarizes
> significant changes in a new P5/ReleaseNotes/readme-N.N.N.xml , named
> according to the Unicode version conventions.  Then s/he asks Council
> members to skim P5/ReleaseNotes/readme-N.N.N.xml and see if anything
> else comes to mind to add.  (Note that this ends up being publicly
> accessible at http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/ .)
> b) After a release, the Council chair emails TEI-L to announce the
> release and includes a copy of readme-N.N.N.xml.
> ###
> Can anyone provide me a reference for Unicode version conventions?  I
> would like to add it to tcw22 and also to
> http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-data.version.html ,
> which mentions this but does not explain the usage.

Dr James Cummings, InfoDev
Oxford University Computing Services
University of Oxford

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