[tei-council] release notes (was Re: main font changed for gidlines -- found the problem chars...)

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Fri Jun 15 09:26:48 EDT 2012

On 6/15/2012 3:51 AM, James Cummings wrote:
> On 15/06/12 08:41, Lou Burnard wrote:
>> The trouble with this is that peoples view of what is significant is
>> likely to vary. And there wont be any obvious way of summarising a lot
>> of small unrelated changes.  What has happened in the past is that one
>> person (usually me) has checked the log and summarised it, in the form
>> that you have now discovered.
>> But the fact that you've only just discovered it suggests that maybe
>> it's not that important!
> No, it is important, because it is one of the things pointed to
> in the announcement of the release. Would you be willing to do so
> again for today's release?

Well, we need not point people to this file when releasing; however, we 
have recently been reproducing this file in the body of the announcement 
on TEI-L, and I think it's a good thing both to do this and to keep a 
summary of such changes in the repository.

>>> b) after releasing, create a new file in
>>> P5/ReleaseNotes/readme-N.N.N.xml for the next release so that this is
>>> ready for editing
>> Don't see the point of that -- the old version is always there as a
>> template.
> also this is unable to be done because at time of release it is
> reasonably impossible to know what the next release number will
> be, because it is dependent on the nature of the changes. (i.e.
> if it is just a typo-correcting release vs a schema-changing
> release vs a major schema change.)

Right, I wasn't thinking of the problem of not knowing the release 
number in advance.  However, since Lou prefer that the release technical 
create the readme so that there's a consistent standard of what's major, 
we can just do that.

I'll start a new thread on proposed changes to tcw22 (we don't need 
changes on tcw20 any more).

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