[tei-council] Possible September Meeting Dates

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue May 8 18:33:40 EDT 2012

Looking at possible dates for an Autumn meeting, there are 
potential benefits in having our meeting just before or just 
after the EEBO-TCP Conference that will be happening in Oxford 
September 17-18. (e.g. I'm assuming that this might be easier for 
Becky and/or Paul??)

But the question is whether to have it before, say Weds 12 - Fri 
14 September, or after, say Weds 19 - Fri 21 September.

I'm slightly in favour of the latter, but instead of answering 
here, answer on a quick doodle poll:


Fill in your name and which dates you can make.  If you think 
both dates are wrong then mark 'yes' in the third column and 
leave a comment at the bottom.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev
Oxford University Computing Services
University of Oxford

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