[tei-council] Addition to HD re schemaSpec in encodingDesc

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Apr 27 12:19:57 EDT 2012

On 27/04/12 16:35, Martin Holmes wrote:
> Do you think we should actually mention that, or does it just
> commit us to explaining something hideously complex? For
> instance, if you were intending to generate a schema from one of
> several <schemaSpec>s stored in <encodingDesc>, you'd need to
> know what stage the document was at in order to know which schema
> it should validate against; that info would have to be stored
> somewhere, etc. etc. Do we want to get into that?

You are probably right, maybe we shouldn't mention it even though 
it is a possibility.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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