[tei-council] Attributes without examples

Stuart A. Yeates syeates at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 19:38:23 EDT 2012

I've just tarted the wiki page up a little, making the table sortable
by arbitrary columns, linking to the ticket, etc.


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 4:35 AM, Martin Holmes <mholmes at uvic.ca> wrote:
> I've created a ticket for this too, so we don't lose track of it:
> <http://purl.org/TEI/BUGS/3520704>
> Cheers,
> Martin
> On 12-04-23 09:19 AM, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> Thanks James -- that works. I have to write that down somewhere. I
>> wonder why spambots wouldn't use<nowiki/>  themselves.
>> Here's the page -- feel free to sign up for one or more attributes by
>> editing it:
>> <http://wiki.tei-c.org/index.php/AttsWithoutEgs>
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
>> On 12-04-23 08:57 AM, James Cummings wrote:
>>> Martin,
>>> It is simple but intentionally not documented. Interrupt the spam
>>> word with an element. Specifically use<nowiki/>   so
>>> att.ms<nowiki/>Excerpt will allow you to get around the spam filter.
>>> Just don't advertise via<nowiki/>gra too much.
>>> -James
>>> On 23/04/12 16:22, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>>> I've just tried to create a wiki page which has a table listing all
>>>> these attributes, but I've been prevented from doing so by the sad
>>>> little spam filter, which won't allow this:
>>>> att.msExcerpt
>>>> because it contains "sEx".
>>>> I seem to remember having spent a frustrating time fighting with this
>>>> stupidity some time ago. Does anyone remember how to get around this, or
>>>> is it pointless to try?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Martin
>>>> On 12-04-19 05:33 PM, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>>>>> Would you be able to output as a table with a third column for people to
>>>>> sign up, either in MediaWiki or HTML syntax, for a page in the wiki?
>>>>> On 4/19/12 8:27 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>>>>> Below is another slightly shorter list. These are attributes which do
>>>>>> not appear on any examples in the<elementSpec>      or<classSpec>      in which
>>>>>> they're defined. Not that this doesn't mean there are no examples at all
>>>>>> for them; there may be an example somewhere in the Guidelines text, or
>>>>>> the attribute may be defined in a<classSpec>      for an attribute class,
>>>>>> and then show up in an example in an<elementSpec>      for an element which
>>>>>> belongs to that class. An example of the latter is @agent (att.damaged),
>>>>>> which has no example in the att.damaged<classSpec>, but happens to show
>>>>>> up in an example for the<damage>      element.
>>>>>> Nevertheless, I think it would be a good idea to try to provide examples
>>>>>> for all these attributes, in the files which define them.
>>>>>> classSpec AS OF 2012-04-19T17:19:17.315-07:00
>>>>>> 1. absolute (when)
>>>>>> 2. adj (node)
>>>>>> 3. adjFrom (node)
>>>>>> 4. adjTo (node)
>>>>>> 5. age (personGrp)
>>>>>> 6. agent (att.damaged)
>>>>>> 7. agent (gap)
>>>>>> 8. agent (unclear)
>>>>>> 9. ana (att.global.analytic)
>>>>>> 10. atLeast (att.ranging)
>>>>>> 11. atMost (att.ranging)
>>>>>> 12. attachment (surface)
>>>>>> 13. autoPrefix (content)
>>>>>> 14. baseTypes (fsDecl)
>>>>>> 15. break (att.breaking)
>>>>>> 16. cRef (gloss)
>>>>>> 17. cRef (ptr)
>>>>>> 18. cRef (ref)
>>>>>> 19. cRef (term)
>>>>>> 20. cause (att.textCritical)
>>>>>> 21. cause (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>> 22. cert (att.responsibility)
>>>>>> 23. change (att.global.change)
>>>>>> 24. class (msContents)
>>>>>> 25. cols (att.tableDecoration)
>>>>>> 26. confidence (att.ranging)
>>>>>> 27. contemporary (seal)
>>>>>> 28. copyOf (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 29. corresp (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 30. datingMethod (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>> 31. datingPoint (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>> 32. decls (att.declaring)
>>>>>> 33. default (att.declarable)
>>>>>> 34. defective (att.msExcerpt)
>>>>>> 35. degree (att.damaged)
>>>>>> 36. degree (node)
>>>>>> 37. dim (space)
>>>>>> 38. direct (said)
>>>>>> 39. docLang (schemaSpec)
>>>>>> 40. domains (att.pointing.group)
>>>>>> 41. dur (att.duration.w3c)
>>>>>> 42. dur-iso (att.duration.iso)
>>>>>> 43. encoding (binaryObject)
>>>>>> 44. end (att.timed)
>>>>>> 45. enjamb (att.enjamb)
>>>>>> 46. evaluate (att.pointing)
>>>>>> 47. evidence (att.editLike)
>>>>>> 48. except (moduleRef)
>>>>>> 49. exclude (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 50. expand (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>> 51. extent (orth)
>>>>>> 52. fVal (f)
>>>>>> 53. facs (att.global.facs)
>>>>>> 54. feats (fs)
>>>>>> 55. filter (equiv)
>>>>>> 56. flipping (surface)
>>>>>> 57. follow (leaf)
>>>>>> 58. force (pc)
>>>>>> 59. from (app)
>>>>>> 60. from (att.datable.w3c)
>>>>>> 61. from-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>> 62. from-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>> 63. full (att.personal)
>>>>>> 64. function (att.segLike)
>>>>>> 65. generate (classSpec)
>>>>>> 66. gradual (writing)
>>>>>> 67. group (att.damaged)
>>>>>> 68. hand (att.damaged)
>>>>>> 69. hand (att.textCritical)
>>>>>> 70. hand (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>> 71. hand (gap)
>>>>>> 72. hand (unclear)
>>>>>> 73. height (binaryObject)
>>>>>> 74. height (graphic)
>>>>>> 75. ident (att.identified)
>>>>>> 76. inst (att.interpLike)
>>>>>> 77. instant (att.editLike)
>>>>>> 78. key (att.canonical)
>>>>>> 79. key (classRef)
>>>>>> 80. key (macroRef)
>>>>>> 81. level (sense)
>>>>>> 82. level (title)
>>>>>> 83. loc (app)
>>>>>> 84. location (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>> 85. lrx (att.coordinated)
>>>>>> 86. lry (att.coordinated)
>>>>>> 87. match (att.scoping)
>>>>>> 88. material (supportDesc)
>>>>>> 89. max (att.ranging)
>>>>>> 90. max (memberOf)
>>>>>> 91. medium (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>> 92. mergedIn (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>> 93. met (att.metrical)
>>>>>> 94. method (correction)
>>>>>> 95. mimeType (att.internetMedia)
>>>>>> 96. min (att.ranging)
>>>>>> 97. min (memberOf)
>>>>>> 98. mode (att.combinable)
>>>>>> 99. mode (classes)
>>>>>> 100. mode (memberOf)
>>>>>> 101. module (att.identified)
>>>>>> 102. new (handShift)
>>>>>> 103. next (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 104. notAfter-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>> 105. notAfter-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>> 106. notBefore-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>> 107. notBefore-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>> 108. notation (pron)
>>>>>> 109. ns (attDef)
>>>>>> 110. ns (elementSpec)
>>>>>> 111. ns (schemaSpec)
>>>>>> 112. nymRef (att.naming)
>>>>>> 113. opt (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>> 114. optional (fDecl)
>>>>>> 115. ord (iNode)
>>>>>> 116. ord (root)
>>>>>> 117. org (att.divLike)
>>>>>> 118. org (attList)
>>>>>> 119. orig (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>> 120. part (ab)
>>>>>> 121. part (att.divLike)
>>>>>> 122. part (att.segLike)
>>>>>> 123. parts (nym)
>>>>>> 124. perf (tech)
>>>>>> 125. period (att.datable)
>>>>>> 126. pre (pc)
>>>>>> 127. precision (att.dimensions)
>>>>>> 128. predeclare (att.identified)
>>>>>> 129. prefix (elementSpec)
>>>>>> 130. prefix (moduleRef)
>>>>>> 131. prev (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 132. quantity (att.dimensions)
>>>>>> 133. real (att.metrical)
>>>>>> 134. ref (att.canonical)
>>>>>> 135. refLang (att.pointing)
>>>>>> 136. resp (att.responsibility)
>>>>>> 137. resp (space)
>>>>>> 138. rhyme (att.metrical)
>>>>>> 139. role (att.naming)
>>>>>> 140. role (att.tableDecoration)
>>>>>> 141. role (org)
>>>>>> 142. rotate (zone)
>>>>>> 143. rows (att.tableDecoration)
>>>>>> 144. sameAs (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 145. sample (att.divLike)
>>>>>> 146. scale (binaryObject)
>>>>>> 147. scale (graphic)
>>>>>> 148. scheme (catRef)
>>>>>> 149. scheme (locus)
>>>>>> 150. scheme (locusGrp)
>>>>>> 151. scheme (tag)
>>>>>> 152. scope (att.dimensions)
>>>>>> 153. scope (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>> 154. scribe (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>> 155. scribeRef (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>> 156. script (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>> 157. scriptRef (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>> 158. select (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 159. seq (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>> 160. social (distinct)
>>>>>> 161. sort (att.personal)
>>>>>> 162. source (att.editLike)
>>>>>> 163. source (att.readFrom)
>>>>>> 164. source (writing)
>>>>>> 165. space (distinct)
>>>>>> 166. spanTo (att.spanning)
>>>>>> 167. split (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>> 168. start (att.coordinated)
>>>>>> 169. start (att.timed)
>>>>>> 170. status (att.identified)
>>>>>> 171. status (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>> 172. status (correction)
>>>>>> 173. stdDeviation (precision)
>>>>>> 174. subtype (att.typed)
>>>>>> 175. synch (att.global.linking)
>>>>>> 176. targFunc (att.pointing.group)
>>>>>> 177. target (change)
>>>>>> 178. target (relatedItem)
>>>>>> 179. targetEnd (note)
>>>>>> 180. targetLang (schemaSpec)
>>>>>> 181. targets (alt)
>>>>>> 182. targets (join)
>>>>>> 183. targets (link)
>>>>>> 184. time (distinct)
>>>>>> 185. to (app)
>>>>>> 186. to (att.datable.w3c)
>>>>>> 187. to-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>> 188. to-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>> 189. type (abbr)
>>>>>> 190. type (att.entryLike)
>>>>>> 191. type (att.interpLike)
>>>>>> 192. type (att.textCritical)
>>>>>> 193. type (att.typed)
>>>>>> 194. type (form)
>>>>>> 195. type (q)
>>>>>> 196. type (sound)
>>>>>> 197. ulx (att.coordinated)
>>>>>> 198. uly (att.coordinated)
>>>>>> 199. unit (att.dimensions)
>>>>>> 200. unit (pc)
>>>>>> 201. unit (when)
>>>>>> 202. url (moduleRef)
>>>>>> 203. value (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>> 204. value (eTree)
>>>>>> 205. value (iNode)
>>>>>> 206. value (leaf)
>>>>>> 207. value (node)
>>>>>> 208. value (root)
>>>>>> 209. value (triangle)
>>>>>> 210. varSeq (att.textCritical)
>>>>>> 211. version (unicodeName)
>>>>>> 212. versionDate (att.translatable)
>>>>>> 213. when (docDate)
>>>>>> 214. where (event)
>>>>>> 215. who (att.ascribed)
>>>>>> 216. width (binaryObject)
>>>>>> 217. width (graphic)
>>>>>> 218. wit (att.rdgPart)
>>>>>> 219. wit (att.witnessed)
>>>>>> 220. xml:base (att.global)
>>>>>> 221. xml:id (att.global)
>>>>>> 222. xml:lang (att.global)
>>>>>> 223. xml:space (att.global)
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> On 12-04-19 03:18 PM, Martin Holmes wrote:
>>>>>>> Following on from our discussion of examples for attributes, a
>>>>>>> quick-and-dirty XSLT seems to show that there are only 19 attributes
>>>>>>> with their own examples, and 450 without. This is not to say that those
>>>>>>> without are unexemplified, because the example code for their parent
>>>>>>> elements in the elementSpec may show examples of them; I'll refine the
>>>>>>> XSLT and make that apparent.
>>>>>>> Here's the list:
>>>>>>> ATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONS LACKING EXAMPLES AS OF 2012-04-19T15:12:34.968-07:00
>>>>>>> 1. status (att.identified)
>>>>>>> 2. type (interaction)
>>>>>>> 3. value (sex)
>>>>>>> 4. scale (graphic)
>>>>>>> 5. scale (binaryObject)
>>>>>>> 6. weights (alt)
>>>>>>> 7. hand (att.damaged)
>>>>>>> 8. agent (gap)
>>>>>>> 9. predeclare (att.identified)
>>>>>>> 10. degree (att.damaged)
>>>>>>> 11. module (att.identified)
>>>>>>> 12. ident (att.identified)
>>>>>>> 13. height (graphic)
>>>>>>> 14. height (binaryObject)
>>>>>>> 15. width (graphic)
>>>>>>> 16. width (binaryObject)
>>>>>>> 17. encoding (binaryObject)
>>>>>>> 18. version (teiCorpus)
>>>>>>> 19. hand (unclear)
>>>>>>> 20. agent (unclear)
>>>>>>> 21. feature (shift)
>>>>>>> 22. type (preparedness)
>>>>>>> 23. type (abbr)
>>>>>>> 24. commodity (att.measurement)
>>>>>>> 25. agent (att.damaged)
>>>>>>> 26. type (derivation)
>>>>>>> 27. type (domain)
>>>>>>> 28. type (factuality)
>>>>>>> 29. type (idno)
>>>>>>> 30. type (relation)
>>>>>>> 31. type (sound)
>>>>>>> 32. type (tech)
>>>>>>> 33. type (castItem)
>>>>>>> 34. type (att.typed)
>>>>>>> 35. type (move)
>>>>>>> 36. script (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>>> 37. class (msItemStruct)
>>>>>>> 38. class (msItem)
>>>>>>> 39. class (msContents)
>>>>>>> 40. type (form)
>>>>>>> 41. cause (att.textCritical)
>>>>>>> 42. type (gram)
>>>>>>> 43. type (lbl)
>>>>>>> 44. type (att.textCritical)
>>>>>>> 45. type (title)
>>>>>>> 46. type (titlePage)
>>>>>>> 47. type (usg)
>>>>>>> 48. type (app)
>>>>>>> 49. columns (layout)
>>>>>>> 50. valueDatcat (att.datcat)
>>>>>>> 51. datcat (att.datcat)
>>>>>>> 52. contemporary (seal)
>>>>>>> 53. contemporary (binding)
>>>>>>> 54. from (locus)
>>>>>>> 55. type (list)
>>>>>>> 56. result (joinGrp)
>>>>>>> 57. medium (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>>> 58. type (graph)
>>>>>>> 59. type (witDetail)
>>>>>>> 60. origin (timeline)
>>>>>>> 61. function (att.segLike)
>>>>>>> 62. form (objectDesc)
>>>>>>> 63. mergedIn (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 64. type (fsDecl)
>>>>>>> 65. scribe (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>>> 66. degree (node)
>>>>>>> 67. extent (orth)
>>>>>>> 68. from (arc)
>>>>>>> 69. to (arc)
>>>>>>> 70. inDegree (node)
>>>>>>> 71. arity (tree)
>>>>>>> 72. baseTypes (fsDecl)
>>>>>>> 73. level (sense)
>>>>>>> 74. order (tree)
>>>>>>> 75. outDegree (iNode)
>>>>>>> 76. outDegree (node)
>>>>>>> 77. outDegree (root)
>>>>>>> 78. reason (gap)
>>>>>>> 79. type (orth)
>>>>>>> 80. when (docDate)
>>>>>>> 81. split (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 82. code (socecStatus)
>>>>>>> 83. code (occupation)
>>>>>>> 84. decls (att.declaring)
>>>>>>> 85. cRef (term)
>>>>>>> 86. from (app)
>>>>>>> 87. scheme (catRef)
>>>>>>> 88. scheme (occupation)
>>>>>>> 89. scheme (classCode)
>>>>>>> 90. scheme (socecStatus)
>>>>>>> 91. scheme (keywords)
>>>>>>> 92. to (app)
>>>>>>> 93. baseForm (m)
>>>>>>> 94. new (handShift)
>>>>>>> 95. passive (relation)
>>>>>>> 96. since (when)
>>>>>>> 97. type (fsdLink)
>>>>>>> 98. type (biblScope)
>>>>>>> 99. type (listForest)
>>>>>>> 100. type (forest)
>>>>>>> 101. hand (gap)
>>>>>>> 102. given (certainty)
>>>>>>> 103. locus (certainty)
>>>>>>> 104. type (rs)
>>>>>>> 105. source (normalization)
>>>>>>> 106. level (title)
>>>>>>> 107. degree (certainty)
>>>>>>> 108. status (correction)
>>>>>>> 109. degree (precision)
>>>>>>> 110. spanTo (att.spanning)
>>>>>>> 111. to (att.datable.w3c)
>>>>>>> 112. to-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>>> 113. force (pc)
>>>>>>> 114. reason (surplus)
>>>>>>> 115. type (stage)
>>>>>>> 116. type (oRef)
>>>>>>> 117. type (oVar)
>>>>>>> 118. method (correction)
>>>>>>> 119. method (normalization)
>>>>>>> 120. name (fDecl)
>>>>>>> 121. evidence (att.editLike)
>>>>>>> 122. rows (table)
>>>>>>> 123. org (vMerge)
>>>>>>> 124. who (att.ascribed)
>>>>>>> 125. locus (respons)
>>>>>>> 126. from-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>>> 127. from (att.datable.w3c)
>>>>>>> 128. from-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>>> 129. type (xr)
>>>>>>> 130. type (iType)
>>>>>>> 131. type (num)
>>>>>>> 132. type (att.entryLike)
>>>>>>> 133. type (att.interpLike)
>>>>>>> 134. unit (refState)
>>>>>>> 135. notation (pron)
>>>>>>> 136. break (att.breaking)
>>>>>>> 137. iterated (kinesic)
>>>>>>> 138. iterated (vocal)
>>>>>>> 139. optional (fDecl)
>>>>>>> 140. default (att.declarable)
>>>>>>> 141. location (variantEncoding)
>>>>>>> 142. anchored (note)
>>>>>>> 143. full (att.personal)
>>>>>>> 144. type (metDecl)
>>>>>>> 145. extent (pron)
>>>>>>> 146. discrete (sound)
>>>>>>> 147. scope (join)
>>>>>>> 148. gradual (writing)
>>>>>>> 149. sample (att.divLike)
>>>>>>> 150. type (classSpec)
>>>>>>> 151. pre (pc)
>>>>>>> 152. type (dimensions)
>>>>>>> 153. method (variantEncoding)
>>>>>>> 154. type (macroSpec)
>>>>>>> 155. reason (supplied)
>>>>>>> 156. to (locus)
>>>>>>> 157. rows (att.tableDecoration)
>>>>>>> 158. writtenLines (layout)
>>>>>>> 159. ruledLines (layout)
>>>>>>> 160. location (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 161. hands (handDesc)
>>>>>>> 162. material (supportDesc)
>>>>>>> 163. notation (formula)
>>>>>>> 164. unit (att.dimensions)
>>>>>>> 165. ns (attDef)
>>>>>>> 166. ns (elementSpec)
>>>>>>> 167. domains (att.pointing.group)
>>>>>>> 168. part (att.segLike)
>>>>>>> 169. source (writing)
>>>>>>> 170. ref (g)
>>>>>>> 171. scribeRef (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>>> 172. scriptRef (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>>> 173. copyOf (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 174. sameAs (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 175. exclude (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 176. targetEnd (note)
>>>>>>> 177. next (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 178. target (relatedItem)
>>>>>>> 179. unit (milestone)
>>>>>>> 180. label (rhyme)
>>>>>>> 181. lemma (w)
>>>>>>> 182. children (iNode)
>>>>>>> 183. children (root)
>>>>>>> 184. name (f)
>>>>>>> 185. unit (pc)
>>>>>>> 186. value (leaf)
>>>>>>> 187. type (node)
>>>>>>> 188. key (att.canonical)
>>>>>>> 189. follow (iNode)
>>>>>>> 190. follow (leaf)
>>>>>>> 191. parent (leaf)
>>>>>>> 192. parent (iNode)
>>>>>>> 193. value (node)
>>>>>>> 194. value (triangle)
>>>>>>> 195. value (eLeaf)
>>>>>>> 196. value (eTree)
>>>>>>> 197. value (iNode)
>>>>>>> 198. value (root)
>>>>>>> 199. quantity (att.measurement)
>>>>>>> 200. role (att.tableDecoration)
>>>>>>> 201. scheme (att)
>>>>>>> 202. select (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 203. xml:space (att.global)
>>>>>>> 204. hand (att.textCritical)
>>>>>>> 205. subtype (att.typed)
>>>>>>> 206. prefix (schemaSpec)
>>>>>>> 207. prefix (elementSpec)
>>>>>>> 208. type (purpose)
>>>>>>> 209. role (org)
>>>>>>> 210. role (person)
>>>>>>> 211. matchPattern (cRefPattern)
>>>>>>> 212. replacementPattern (cRefPattern)
>>>>>>> 213. age (person)
>>>>>>> 214. start (schemaSpec)
>>>>>>> 215. form (quotation)
>>>>>>> 216. time (distinct)
>>>>>>> 217. social (distinct)
>>>>>>> 218. space (distinct)
>>>>>>> 219. type (constitution)
>>>>>>> 220. scope (att.handFeatures)
>>>>>>> 221. age (personGrp)
>>>>>>> 222. usage (language)
>>>>>>> 223. ident (valItem)
>>>>>>> 224. from (span)
>>>>>>> 225. value (metSym)
>>>>>>> 226. versionDate (att.translatable)
>>>>>>> 227. target (att.pointing)
>>>>>>> 228. where (move)
>>>>>>> 229. notBefore (att.datable.w3c)
>>>>>>> 230. notBefore-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>>> 231. notBefore-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>>> 232. mode (classes)
>>>>>>> 233. mode (att.combinable)
>>>>>>> 234. mode (memberOf)
>>>>>>> 235. to (span)
>>>>>>> 236. to (biblScope)
>>>>>>> 237. type (valList)
>>>>>>> 238. degree (purpose)
>>>>>>> 239. length (refState)
>>>>>>> 240. render (tagUsage)
>>>>>>> 241. targets (alt)
>>>>>>> 242. targets (join)
>>>>>>> 243. targets (link)
>>>>>>> 244. type (teiHeader)
>>>>>>> 245. notAfter (att.datable.w3c)
>>>>>>> 246. notAfter-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>>> 247. notAfter-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>>> 248. version (TEI)
>>>>>>> 249. mode (channel)
>>>>>>> 250. result (join)
>>>>>>> 251. new (shift)
>>>>>>> 252. active (interaction)
>>>>>>> 253. occurs (tagUsage)
>>>>>>> 254. passive (interaction)
>>>>>>> 255. interval (when)
>>>>>>> 256. interval (timeline)
>>>>>>> 257. usage (attDef)
>>>>>>> 258. role (personGrp)
>>>>>>> 259. type (titlePart)
>>>>>>> 260. sex (personGrp)
>>>>>>> 261. sex (person)
>>>>>>> 262. size (personGrp)
>>>>>>> 263. from (biblScope)
>>>>>>> 264. type (distinct)
>>>>>>> 265. type (measure)
>>>>>>> 266. type (fs)
>>>>>>> 267. unit (timeline)
>>>>>>> 268. unit (when)
>>>>>>> 269. version (unicodeName)
>>>>>>> 270. type (divGen)
>>>>>>> 271. part (ab)
>>>>>>> 272. part (att.divLike)
>>>>>>> 273. part (l)
>>>>>>> 274. terminal (metSym)
>>>>>>> 275. trunc (numeric)
>>>>>>> 276. order (graph)
>>>>>>> 277. size (graph)
>>>>>>> 278. mode (alt)
>>>>>>> 279. mode (altGrp)
>>>>>>> 280. value (binary)
>>>>>>> 281. status (availability)
>>>>>>> 282. datum (geoDecl)
>>>>>>> 283. value (numeric)
>>>>>>> 284. name (relation)
>>>>>>> 285. name (vLabel)
>>>>>>> 286. indexName (index)
>>>>>>> 287. stdDeviation (precision)
>>>>>>> 288. absolute (when)
>>>>>>> 289. max (numeric)
>>>>>>> 290. scheme (constraintSpec)
>>>>>>> 291. scheme (tag)
>>>>>>> 292. scheme (gi)
>>>>>>> 293. value (symbol)
>>>>>>> 294. value (num)
>>>>>>> 295. scheme (locusGrp)
>>>>>>> 296. scheme (locus)
>>>>>>> 297. name (namespace)
>>>>>>> 298. type (recording)
>>>>>>> 299. unit (att.measurement)
>>>>>>> 300. value (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 301. scope (att.dimensions)
>>>>>>> 302. evaluate (att.pointing)
>>>>>>> 303. active (relation)
>>>>>>> 304. to-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>>> 305. mutual (relation)
>>>>>>> 306. dur-iso (att.duration.iso)
>>>>>>> 307. instant (att.editLike)
>>>>>>> 308. function (metamark)
>>>>>>> 309. attachment (surface)
>>>>>>> 310. cause (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>>> 311. target (metamark)
>>>>>>> 312. rotate (zone)
>>>>>>> 313. target (redo)
>>>>>>> 314. target (undo)
>>>>>>> 315. except (moduleRef)
>>>>>>> 316. include (moduleRef)
>>>>>>> 317. datingMethod (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>>> 318. datingPoint (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>>> 319. key (moduleRef)
>>>>>>> 320. url (moduleRef)
>>>>>>> 321. mimeType (att.internetMedia)
>>>>>>> 322. version (application)
>>>>>>> 323. ident (application)
>>>>>>> 324. confidence (att.ranging)
>>>>>>> 325. level (langKnown)
>>>>>>> 326. adj (node)
>>>>>>> 327. adjFrom (node)
>>>>>>> 328. adjTo (node)
>>>>>>> 329. ana (att.global.analytic)
>>>>>>> 330. group (att.damaged)
>>>>>>> 331. cRef (gloss)
>>>>>>> 332. cRef (ptr)
>>>>>>> 333. cRef (ref)
>>>>>>> 334. cert (att.responsibility)
>>>>>>> 335. cert (certainty)
>>>>>>> 336. precision (precision)
>>>>>>> 337. precision (att.dimensions)
>>>>>>> 338. type (fw)
>>>>>>> 339. cols (table)
>>>>>>> 340. cols (att.tableDecoration)
>>>>>>> 341. source (att.editLike)
>>>>>>> 342. autoPrefix (content)
>>>>>>> 343. corresp (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 344. delim (refState)
>>>>>>> 345. dim (space)
>>>>>>> 346. docLang (schemaSpec)
>>>>>>> 347. dur (att.duration.w3c)
>>>>>>> 348. ed (att.sourced)
>>>>>>> 349. gi (tagUsage)
>>>>>>> 350. eol (hyphenation)
>>>>>>> 351. enjamb (att.enjamb)
>>>>>>> 352. facs (att.global.facs)
>>>>>>> 353. fVal (f)
>>>>>>> 354. feats (fs)
>>>>>>> 355. lang (code)
>>>>>>> 356. atMost (att.ranging)
>>>>>>> 357. atLeast (att.ranging)
>>>>>>> 358. lrx (att.coordinated)
>>>>>>> 359. ulx (att.coordinated)
>>>>>>> 360. lry (att.coordinated)
>>>>>>> 361. uly (att.coordinated)
>>>>>>> 362. xml:id (att.global)
>>>>>>> 363. ident (language)
>>>>>>> 364. scheme (rendition)
>>>>>>> 365. status (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>>> 366. where (event)
>>>>>>> 367. start (att.timed)
>>>>>>> 368. end (att.timed)
>>>>>>> 369. type (tag)
>>>>>>> 370. defective (att.msExcerpt)
>>>>>>> 371. generate (classSpec)
>>>>>>> 372. inst (att.interpLike)
>>>>>>> 373. xml:lang (att.global)
>>>>>>> 374. loc (app)
>>>>>>> 375. mainLang (textLang)
>>>>>>> 376. maxOccurs (datatype)
>>>>>>> 377. type (q)
>>>>>>> 378. direct (said)
>>>>>>> 379. aloud (said)
>>>>>>> 380. met (att.metrical)
>>>>>>> 381. real (att.metrical)
>>>>>>> 382. minOccurs (datatype)
>>>>>>> 383. name (equiv)
>>>>>>> 384. ns (schemaSpec)
>>>>>>> 385. n (att.global)
>>>>>>> 386. opt (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 387. ord (iNode)
>>>>>>> 388. ord (root)
>>>>>>> 389. ord (tree)
>>>>>>> 390. sort (att.personal)
>>>>>>> 391. org (attList)
>>>>>>> 392. org (vColl)
>>>>>>> 393. org (att.divLike)
>>>>>>> 394. orig (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 395. otherLangs (textLang)
>>>>>>> 396. perf (move)
>>>>>>> 397. perf (tech)
>>>>>>> 398. target (specGrpRef)
>>>>>>> 399. parts (nym)
>>>>>>> 400. change (att.global.change)
>>>>>>> 401. target (change)
>>>>>>> 402. prev (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 403. lemmaRef (w)
>>>>>>> 404. marks (quotation)
>>>>>>> 405. ref (att.canonical)
>>>>>>> 406. nymRef (att.naming)
>>>>>>> 407. filter (equiv)
>>>>>>> 408. pattern (metDecl)
>>>>>>> 409. resp (respons)
>>>>>>> 410. resp (att.responsibility)
>>>>>>> 411. resp (space)
>>>>>>> 412. rhyme (att.metrical)
>>>>>>> 413. seq (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>>> 414. hand (att.transcriptional)
>>>>>>> 415. prefix (moduleRef)
>>>>>>> 416. key (memberOf)
>>>>>>> 417. quantity (att.dimensions)
>>>>>>> 418. value (age)
>>>>>>> 419. target (fsdLink)
>>>>>>> 420. period (att.datable)
>>>>>>> 421. tag (langKnown)
>>>>>>> 422. tags (langKnowledge)
>>>>>>> 423. max (memberOf)
>>>>>>> 424. min (memberOf)
>>>>>>> 425. synch (att.global.linking)
>>>>>>> 426. targFunc (att.pointing.group)
>>>>>>> 427. targetLang (schemaSpec)
>>>>>>> 428. key (classRef)
>>>>>>> 429. key (elementRef)
>>>>>>> 430. key (macroRef)
>>>>>>> 431. name (attRef)
>>>>>>> 432. trans (u)
>>>>>>> 433. uri (equiv)
>>>>>>> 434. url (graphic)
>>>>>>> 435. varSeq (att.textCritical)
>>>>>>> 436. scope (rendition)
>>>>>>> 437. max (att.ranging)
>>>>>>> 438. min (att.ranging)
>>>>>>> 439. withId (tagUsage)
>>>>>>> 440. wit (att.witnessed)
>>>>>>> 441. wit (att.rdgPart)
>>>>>>> 442. wit (witDetail)
>>>>>>> 443. status (att.docStatus)
>>>>>>> 444. points (zone)
>>>>>>> 445. start (att.coordinated)
>>>>>>> 446. valid (egXML)
>>>>>>> 447. ordered (listChange)
>>>>>>> 448. role (att.naming)
>>>>>>> 449. source (att.readFrom)
>>>>>>> 450. flipping (surface)
>>>>>>> 2012-04-19T15:12:34.968-07:00
>>>>>>> 1. place (att.placement)
>>>>>>> 2. expand (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 3. extent (att.dimensions)
>>>>>>> 4. calendar (att.datable)
>>>>>>> 5. reason (unclear)
>>>>>>> 6. target (att.scoping)
>>>>>>> 7. xml:base (att.global)
>>>>>>> 8. assertedValue (certainty)
>>>>>>> 9. refLang (att.pointing)
>>>>>>> 10. match (att.scoping)
>>>>>>> 11. sortKey (att.sortable)
>>>>>>> 12. atts (specDesc)
>>>>>>> 13. key (specDesc)
>>>>>>> 14. norm (att.lexicographic)
>>>>>>> 15. rendition (att.global)
>>>>>>> 16. rend (att.global)
>>>>>>> 17. when-iso (att.datable.iso)
>>>>>>> 18. when-custom (att.datable.custom)
>>>>>>> 19. when (att.datable.w3c)
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Martin Holmes
>>>>>>> University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
>>>>>>> (mholmes at uvic.ca)
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> tei-council mailing list
>>>>>>> tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>>>>>>> http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
>>>>>>> PLEASE NOTE: postings to this list are publicly archived
>>>>>>> .
>>>>> .
>>> --
>>> Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
>>> Computing Services, University of Oxford
>>> --
>>> tei-council mailing list
>>> tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>>> http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
>>> PLEASE NOTE: postings to this list are publicly archived
>>> .
>> --
>> Martin Holmes
>> University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
>> (mholmes at uvic.ca)
>> --
>> tei-council mailing list
>> tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
>> http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
>> PLEASE NOTE: postings to this list are publicly archived
>> .
> --
> Martin Holmes
> University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
> (mholmes at uvic.ca)
> --
> tei-council mailing list
> tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
> http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/mailman/listinfo/tei-council
> PLEASE NOTE: postings to this list are publicly archived

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