[tei-council] ticket triage

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Sun Mar 18 15:47:12 EDT 2012

A quick look at 
http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Working/tcw17.html shows the 
following state of play...

GREEN tickets (11 bugs; 5 Feature Requests)

May I suggest that Council members should take a quick look initially at 
the GREEN tickets?  As far as I can tell, what needs to be done is 
fairly self evident in each case (that's the definition of GREEN, after 
all). Furthermore, each GREEN ticket (with one exception, see below) has 
been assigned to someone for action. All you need do therefore is post a 
message to the list if you disagree with the action being proposed for 
the ticket.

The exception is bug 3437782. This is a ticket I created and on which 
no-one has commented so far; I am reluctant to assign it to myself and 
just do it, even though I think it should just be done. So please 
express your views on that one!

AMBER tickets (18 bugs; 13 Feature requests)

Several of them are on overlapping topics (e.g. we have three or four 
talking about <wit>, and more than one worrying about the use of <idno>) 
so I think we should be able to group them together and dispose of quite 
a few in Chicago. I'll have a shot at doing that (the grouping) next, in 
consultation with James when he comes back from his hols.

RED tickets (4 red; 11 feature requests)

Some of these are quite old (the oldest goes back to 2007) so maybe we 
should find some way of indicating topics that we are giving up on for 
the moment.

Feel free, of course, to add comments on any ticket if you think the 
discussion is in need of it.

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