[tei-council] Ann Arbor spring meeting

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Wed Jan 25 18:01:45 EST 2012

I think we're in a situation where no one is prepared to unilaterally 
declare which days are the official working days of the Council meeting. 
  Since there was interest in having a group hacking session before the 
official sessions start, I suggest we keep Sunday as the optional 
attendance day and keep Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as the real work 
days.  I live closer to the university than Paul or Becky, so I don't 
mind opening the meeting room on Sunday and hanging out with whoever 
joins me there.

It is often the case that people need to leave early on the third 
working day, so I suggest leaving that late afternoon or evening if it 
works in your schedule.  If it doesn't for some reason, stay an extra night.

Does this work for everyone?


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