[tei-council] Feedback on the genetic encoding proposals in TEI P5 v2.0.0

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon Dec 19 17:37:26 EST 2011

I've now checked in a set of revisions which follows most of your 
recommendations and, I think, considerably improves the draft. The only 
major thing I have left out of your proposals is the suggestion to add a 
different example (the Helena ms), which I have done for the following 
reasons: firstly,  the graphic is very hard to read -- I really cannot 
see the der/den substitution your encoding identified; secondly I don't 
have any bibliographic data about this ms; thirdly I am not sure the 
proposed encoding  adds very much to what has already been said, except 
that it is a real example of course.

Thanks again. These modifications should appear in 2.0.1, which we 
expect to appear (just) before Christmas.

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