[tei-council] Disambiguation of <ident> and <idno> (and also <gi>)

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Nov 24 07:51:02 EST 2011

On 24/11/11 12:42, Laurent Romary wrote:
> Le 24 nov. 2011 à 13:39, Sebastian Rahtz a écrit :
>> On 24 Nov 2011, at 11:48, Laurent Romary wrote:
>>>> just what<ident>  is for, surely? it is sugar for<hi rend="identifier">
>>> That's exactly what I (didn't - indeed) want (ed) to hear from you. From an ontological point of view I don't like so much to see the same object receiving a schizophrenic treatment depending on where it appears (and we do mean the same thing in both cases).
>> <idno>  is a superset of<ident>.  It does the same job, but adds extra semantics, viz that
>> not only am I identifying this as an ID in general, but actually as the actual ID of my parent object.
> Should they then have the same content model (ident becoming recursive if Idno is)?

Hard to say no to that... tho I'd still rather see <hi> permitted in 

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