[tei-council] surfaces, surfaceGrps, etc. [was : minutes/release deadline]

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Mon Nov 14 06:27:08 EST 2011

On 14/11/11 10:57, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2011, at 05:09, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> <zone>  should be able to contain<surface>. You define a<zone>  to show
>> the contextualized coordinates of the patch or whatever in the parent
>> <surface>  coordinate space, then you put a<surface>  in it; the latter
>> can then define its own coordinate space for<zone>s inside it.
>> So the coordinates on<zone>s mean "my position and size in the parent
>> space", and the coordinates on<surface>  mean "the coordinate space in
>> which child<zone>s will be defined".
> I like it, a lot. Simple and effective, no ambiguity, meets all the needs. Lets do it.
> --

This looks like a gordian-knot-breaker... many thanks Martin! I will go 
away and redraft accordingly.

p.s. while we're at it, how about renaming ulx, uly etc as one attribute 
@coords for the "coord-space-definition" sense? a different name reduces 
confusion as well as the amount of typing. Or do we think this would be 
a birnbaum-breaker?

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