[tei-council] Ticket triage : greenery

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Nov 4 21:11:23 EDT 2011

On 04/11/11 14:13, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> Just in case it helps othere, here are Lou's list *with newfangled hyperlinks*
> for those with decent mail clients.

You don't need the www. bit you know...

Here are my thoughts:

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3411976	<provenance>  examples and definition are inconsistent	
agreed; commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3400825	"Mandatory when applicable" is meaningless

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3284793	code may have non-unicode characters, needs<g>	
reluctantly agreed, commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3064182	Check desc of all xs:anyURI atts for in-doc restrictions
marked as 'pending' and commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3400295	Inconsistent definitions for some elements
agreed and commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3387002	usage of @class on msItemStruct wrongly described
agreed and commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3305072	mention<formula>  as possible content for<figure>  in text
agreed and commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3304622	invalid xml:lang= values
needs to be sorted out, individual cases may raise some problems, but 
agreed, not commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3289073	many missing references in guidelines
Maybe we should have a distributed mass proofreading for such things 
throughout the guidelines? Don't disagree but discuss? uncommented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3285020	irregularities in<gram>  syntatic sugar variants	
Difficult. I would vote for keeping type as it is and introducing new 
attribute if necessary, as per birnbaum doctrine

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/BUG/3223544	use of head and p within figure
Cited example perhaps needs clarifying.

> Feature requests:
> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3408683	hyphenation section doesn't reference pc at force
agreed, uncommented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3293070	enhancement of notes and examples in ref-del
agreed, uncommented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3282689	replace 'file' with 'document'
agreed in principle, but low priority. uncommented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3266021	dictionary entires with a single sense
agreed, uncommented

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3263971	inheritance of @xml:lang
agreed, commented

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3210946	examples for digital facsimile
agreed, but need example, uncommented

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3064014	provide suggested values for rs at type
sure, but commented

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3051750	choice of schema language when using the TEI	
against, commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3041605	update list of Council members
agreed, but need a good mechanism to maintain, commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3415411	Split certainty/precision/respons from model.glossLike
agreed, uncommented

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3296398	add hi to figDesc
agreed, uncommented

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3284811	att.internetMedia's @mimeType should get data.word+ datatype
agreed, but I would, uncommented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3275613	make textLang usable in bibliographies
Agreed, assuming we address Kevin's questions, commented.

> http://www.purl.org/TEI/FR/3046288	allow f to contain pcdata
Agreed, need documentation and examples, uncommented.

Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
OUCS, University of Oxford

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