[tei-council] Ticket triage : greenery

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Nov 3 15:27:55 EDT 2011

On 03/11/11 19:14, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>> I've got plenty of other things to do!
> Ah, is there some subset of us which does not?

sorry if my comment suggested i thought otherwise!

I meant, rather, "if you lot don't have time to look at this now, I will 
go and do something else myself"

> This is why the Council should meet by telco at regular intervals,
> so we don't build up these giant lists of tickets.

I look to our new canadian overlords to heed your sage advice

> I'll be looking at them about 7pm Friday....

You may find there's even more to read by then...

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