[tei-council] repeating and typing tei:provenance

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Fri Sep 23 12:30:17 EDT 2011

No objection from me. Makes perfect sense.


On 11-09-23 08:55 AM, Gabriel BODARD wrote:
> Some Council members will already have seen the ticket posted by Lou a
> couple days ago (http://purl.com/TEI/FR/3411976) re the conflict between
> the definition of tei:provenance, "descriptive or other information
> concerning *a single identifiable episode* during the history of a
> manuscript" on the one hand, and on the other examples (including that
> at http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/MS.html#mshy) in
> which mutiple episodes are described in a single provenance.
> I pointed out, in support of the examples over the definition, that
> provenance includes among its possible children tei:listEvent, and that
> some projects have already used this to represent different episodes in
> a manuscript's history within a single tei:provenance.
> The consensus on this ticket however seems to be that the definition is
> correct, the examples should be emended, and multiple episodes should be
> represented by repeated, dated tei:provenance elements in tei:history.
> It has also been suggested that provenance is a specialization of
> tei"event, so the usage is fine.
> If that is the case, then I'd like to propose (does this need another
> ticket?) that as well as changes to the guidelines and correction of
> examples, the provenance element should allow att.typed (as event does),
> so that multiple provenances in the history of a single manuscript or
> object can be typed ("found", "moved", "observed", "lost", "destroyed",
> "restored" etc.), and looser subtypes can be used to differentiate
> between different kinds of loss, for example. (We were in the process of
> writing up a controlled set of values for tei:event/@type for the EpiDoc
> guidelines, with the intention of leaving @subtype unconstrained.)
> Does anyone object to this proposal? Should I put up a new FR ticket for
> it? I'd like to be able to let the EpiDoc community know what we've
> decided so it can be written into our ODD in advance of the next TEI
> release, if possible.
> Thanks,
> Gabby

Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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