[tei-council] update from the TEI Tite task force: comments on 2 tickets by October 1

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Mon Sep 19 09:36:58 EDT 2011

On 9/18/2011 3:53 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> On 18 Sep 2011, at 19:24, Kevin Hawkins wrote:
>> = What's next =
>> *I would like Council members to revisit these two tickets*:
>> c) adding<add>  and<del>:
>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3136935&group_id=106328&atid=644065
> I am not sure what to say. If the Tite users want<add>  and<del>,
> sure, go and ahead and give it to them. I am not sure how we can
> help you decide this? If Tite plans to cover hand-written material,
> I personally think that's such a huge extra burden that
> the advantages of a standardized Tite are negligible. I think
> I'd prefer a TiteMS, which is Tite + Handwrititing, rather than
> giving<add>  and<del>  to the vast majority of Tite users. But
> that's Tite politics, not a technical question.

Right, well, here's my situation.  Tite has fallen under the stewardship 
of Council, so I feel like there should be a consensus (or at least a 
majority) of Council members supporting any change to Tite.  You might 
not have a use case for Tite, so it's fine with me if you abstain, just 
as I'm largely doing from our recent discussions of the proposal on 
genetic editions.  I know I asked for feedback on these tickets in 
February, but I hadn't responded to Sebastian's comment until after that 
date, so I wanted to give others a chance to review it before I consider 
there to be no objections.


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