[tei-council] Fwd: TEI licensing issues

Piotr Bański bansp at o2.pl
Fri Sep 9 05:07:21 EDT 2011


Let's not use ND, whatever is wrong with the LGPL?

On 09/09/11 10:45, Laurent Romary wrote:
> I would even go CC-BY, why would you impose ND? I +think+ this is something I have said repeatedly since years... 
> but I have always been told we should hire a jurist :-}

That would break the TEI-C treasury :-) But yeah, possibly Sebastian
suggested ND for generated schemas on the assumption that the
corresponding ODDs will be open to modifications, but I'm not sure if
legal constraints should be use to enforce infrastructural/theoretical
directives, as it were. If someone chooses to modify and distribute a
generated schema, well, let them, why should we care... They have to
describe it as modified anyway, if they choose to distribute, so there
is no danger of bad credit going back to the TEI.


> Le 9 sept. 2011 à 10:43, Sebastian Rahtz a écrit :
>> See below message from George Bina.  
>> John U, can you pass this to Board for discussion too?
>> Is it time we changed the licence on _generated_ schemas? Its obviously silly if it causes George problems.
>> One possibility is CC BY-ND

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