[tei-council] genetic draft -- from Brett, pt. 2

Brett Barney bbarney2 at unlnotes.unl.edu
Thu Aug 25 12:17:56 EDT 2011

I could live with that, too. I like James's earlier comment, too:

> if geneticists were reading this willy-nilly debating over hard-chosen
names they might be
> put out.

Concern for such -ists is what I had in mind when we discussed this in
Chicago and I proposed "diploma," imagining that it would capture the right
meaning for folks who do diplomatic transcriptions. "Well," I thought,
"'diploma' doesn't mean that to me, but it seems to be a specialized term
of common currency in the the target community." Elena's subsequent
messages suggest otherwise (part of the problem, I suspect, being that
"genetic editing" and "diplomatic transcription" aren't coterminous),
though, so I don't have a stake in continuing to advocate it. But she also
seemed to suggest that the "geneticists" she consulted weren't a very
decisive (or unanimous) bunch, suggesting <layout> or maybe
<docRepresentation>. In my limited forays into genetic editing readings,
"manuscript" has been used quite a bit. Haven't thought about the
implications, really, but does <manuscript> float at all?


Brett Barney
Research Associate Professor
Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, University of

James wrote on 08/25/2011 10:35:37 AM:

> On 25/08/11 16:27, Lou Burnard wrote:
> > Anyone for<physDoc>  ?
> I wouldn't mind that, it preserves the implied physicality.

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