[tei-council] tei-council attachment test

David Sewell dsewell at virginia.edu
Fri Aug 19 09:22:46 EDT 2011

So far as I can determine from the GNU Mailman settings, attachments are in fact 
allowed to tei-council email. So I am testing a .jpg and a .zip attachment. If 
they aren't passed through, I'll investigate further.


David Sewell, Editorial and Technical Manager
ROTUNDA, The University of Virginia Press
PO Box 400314, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4314 USA
Email: dsewell at virginia.edu   Tel: +1 434 924 9973
Web: http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: creosotebush.jpg
Type: image/jpeg
Size: 44257 bytes
Url : http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/pipermail/tei-council/attachments/20110819/8ef47105/attachment.jpg 
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Name: creosotebush.jpg.zip
Type: application/zip
Size: 42808 bytes
Url : http://lists.village.Virginia.EDU/pipermail/tei-council/attachments/20110819/8ef47105/attachment.zip 

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