[tei-council] <notatedMusic> changes required

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jul 8 04:35:22 EDT 2011

On 07/07/11 23:16, Martin Holmes wrote:
> OK, time for a vote. Options are:
> For all instances in the Guidelines where ptr/@target points to an
> external XML file, add:
> 1. @type="transclude"
> 2. @rend="transclude"
> 3.          [nothing]

But I don't think the question is whether it points to an 
external XML file (or other file able to be rendered). I can 
point to
but not want to transclude it into my own file.  Even when 
pointing to an external file the semantics are agnostic about 
what you do when processing it. Except if you add something like 
@type.  In some cases where we have ptrs pointing to external xml 
files, this is what is intended, in some cases, I'd bet, it isn't.

For the record I usually find @rend a bit confusing in such 
circumstances because it indicates the rendition in the source 
document (though actually, in this case that the external 
document was rendered inline in the source document I suppose 
works). Sebastian's 'rend is a command' is just abusive.


Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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