[tei-council] wiki page on ODD: uses, future plans, and maybe history

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Wed Apr 13 08:49:56 EDT 2011

I discovered that the wiki page on ODD is not especially complete, so I 
have added sections on uses outside of the TEI Guidelines and its 
customizations and on future plans:


If someone could write something about "son of ODD" for the "future 
plans" section, that would be good.

If anyone would like to give a brief history of ODD, that would be good 
for a new section of this page (which I haven't created yet because it 
seems less important than "future plans").

And if anyone could describe other uses of ODD (didn't someone say that 
Bertrand Gaiffe is using it for something different?), that would also 
be good.

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