[tei-council] Fwd: Prep for council updated

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at inria.fr
Mon Apr 11 10:31:46 EDT 2011

As noted earlier, at
http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Working/tcw17.html there is a
document which gives you direct access to a list of all currently open
sourceforge tickets. At the moment there are quite a few in the Amber
(needs discussion) Feature Request Tracker, so I have started
preparing for Chicago by categorising this set as follows. Hopefully
this can be a useful way of structuring our agenda.

I distinguish the following groups:

A: Proposals, more or less complete, for entirely new elements
B: Proposals for changes to content models of existing elements  or
datatypes of existing attributes
C: Requests for guidance on recommended usage
D: Proposals to change class memberships
E: Technical queries related to ODD processing matters
F: Bibliographic issues

Taking these in turn, 

A is the largest group. It could divided into distinct manageable  
agenda items as follows:

A1: Proposal for music notation from Music SIG : 3086720, 3086726
A2: Proposed new grouping elements : 3060867, 3147225
A3: Proposed  "document" element from genetic SIG  3095637
A4: Proposed extra transcriptional elements from genetic SIG 3095640
A5: Proposed "stage" element and attribute from genetic SIG 3095641
A6: Proposed "object" element 2811239

Each of these, in my view, requires some focussed discussion, although
the proposals for most of them are fairly clear and detailed and
council has already given an in-principle agreement to each of them. 

B is also a largeish group but most of its members are probably fairly
rapidly disposed of. I suggest the following agenda items:

B1: content model of <subst> 3080015 2859355
B2: datatype issues 3060919, 3060909, 2994671

C combines several unrelated issues, each of which however should not 
take long to resolve

C1: floating text usage 3106834, 3106829
C2: formalising <availability> 3086675 3044329
C3: altIdentifier usage 3115238 
C4: <epigraph> content wrongly described 3227935
C5: <geogName> and <placeName> 3216049
C6: CDATA or xml:space in egXML 3223636 

D likewise has two unrelated but not too difficult issues which
could be taken together, and a third which needs more thought and discussion

D1: add ptr and ref to internetMedia class 3113682;  add period to canonical class  3060874; 
D2: define generic dating class 2925145  

E: has three minor issues which should be discussed by a technical
subgroup if we want to address them now

E1: 3118435; 3156049; 3064757

F combines several issues relating to bibliographic description. 

F1: 2976715, 2984463, 2493417, 3177339, 2987241, 2714682 

G.  There are only a few green items (about half a dozen or so in each of the
Feature Request and Bug trackers). I suggest that we ask Council
members to scan those lists *before* the meeting and propose any that
they feel need further discussion before implementation.

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