[tei-council] Farewell!

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Fri Jan 28 11:17:06 EST 2011

I wholeheartedly agree with both James's and Dan's sentiments here, but 
more urgently, we need someone to announce changes on TEI-L.  It seems 
that the outgoing chair is the person to do this!  Is there any other 
news from the Board that we can hear about as well, such as the date and 
location of the 2011 conference?

On 1/28/2011 10:51 AM, O'Donnell, Dan wrote:
> Ah well. These all seem quite valid criticisms.
> One does one's best, especially in a volunteer position at a time of
> great change. But it is difficult to get it all right, especially in an
> organisation that is as active in as wide a range of activities nowadays
> as the TEI.
> What's needed is people with a vision of what needs to be fixed: James
> you should run for the Board next November! I had a similar sense of
> (different) things that needed addressing on the Board when I ran. And
> now it is time for others to fix the things I messed up, or didn't see,
> or imperfectly implemented.
> -dan
> On 11-01-28 01:55 AM, James Cummings wrote:
>> On 27/01/11 18:28, O'Donnell, Dan wrote:
>>> He's been active on the list already, I thought. That was why I thought
>>> you guys already knew. Anyway. Now you do.
>> And more to the point, since tei-council is a public list, this means
>> you've announced it publicly so might as well do so on TEI-L.
>> Welcome Martin. I'd noticed him contribute but to be honest wasn't quite
>> sure why he was on the list. I think this is symptomatic of a lot of the
>> decisions that happen at the board level. The Council often does not
>> hear about them, or know about changes in policy, until they are
>> announced on TEI-L. (If, indeed, they are.) I would welcome greater
>> reporting from the Board to the Council and transparency in Board
>> activities. e.g. A lot more public minutes of Board meetings would
>> certainly help, announced on TEI-L when they are made available. I
>> recognise the Board has to have some confidentiality (e.g. in financial
>> matters or ad hominem discussions) but think that we could be a lot more
>> transparent generally, and that this would be a good thing in terms of
>> community building and publicity.
>> -James
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