[tei-council] relatedItem at type values

Paul F. Schaffner pfs-listmail at umich.edu
Fri Oct 30 18:28:49 EDT 2009

I have not forgotten that I was supposed to be coming up with
a sample list of relationships between related bibliographical items to
serve as exemplary values for @type (and/or @subtype)
on the element <relatedItem>.

I took an inductive approach, surveying the kinds of
relationships expressed in the bibliographies attached
to about 400 Michigan faculty curricula vitae (vitarum?),
and then added those found in my own ancient dissertation
bibliography, as well as the canonical relationships
enshrined in the MARC linking fields.

There is no end of possible permutations. MARC lists only
a few, and dispenses with the rest by means of the catch-all
787 field (unspecified relationship: supply details in a 580
'complexity note'). TEI encoders would probably do well to
follow a similar practice: there is no ready way to get
"Middle Scots paraphrase (with the aid of a Middle English
crib) of an Old French version of a Catalan original" into
a @type. Such things demand to be treated more discursively.

Most of the likely relationships appear
naturally as pairs, depending on which end of the relationship
is taken as the primary entry, and which is nested within it
as related. E.g.


but a few are bidirectional or neutral as to direction:


How to express the relationship is a another question. MARC in its
descriptions mostly uses the participial form, as above. And it definitely
has advantages, since the nominal forms of the unidirectional pairs
tend to end up as ugly hyphenated compounds or risk losing the connection 
between the paired forms. E.g. one could use type="translation" 
type="paraphrase" type="adaptation" (or type="translation" subtype="exact" 
/ "paraphrase" / "adaptation" etc.) but then be faced with poor choices
as to how to handle the reverse relationship: "type="translation-original"
type="adaptation-original" etc. ("original" means too many things, I 

The bidirectional relationships, on the other hand are perhaps better 
expressed as nouns or noun phrases:


Probably, as usual, I am thinking about this the wrong way.
But till I'm told otherwise, I tend towards using phrasal
@types to describe relationships--verbal phrases for those
that indicate direction, and nominal phrases for those that
are neutral or static.

Finally, how to make best use of @type and @subtype in
combination depends a lot on how one is accustomed to doing
so. This my first attempt assumes that @type should be used
for the primary description of the relationship, @subtype
for qualifiers. E.g.


Under those assumptions, all of which are probably
controversial, alongside those given above, a healthy sample might 











I'll go no further in case I'm on the wrong track altogether.



Some raw data...

1. Actual relationship notes from faculty bibliographies

also published as journal article

also presented to NSWC managers

also presented at

also cited as IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Confererenc Record

see also IEEE Trans. on Rehabilitation Engineering

also abstracted with figures in Yearbook of Medical Ultrasound

also LA-UR-04-8668, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2004

also in German

Also in Spanish

Persian translation forthcoming (Teheran: Farzan Press, 2004)

Also in Vietnamese (Hanoi : Politics Publishing, 2004)

Also published in French, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic and Russian versions of 
this journal

(Also UCRL-96242, Rev. 3.)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., EPA-230-05-89-056. 
(Also UCRL-21111.)

Also Dept. of Energy report DOE/NBB- 0092T, 1993

Also [available on the web at ...(URL) ]

Also published as a special issue of Journal of North African Studies

also in Items &amp; Issues, Social Science Research Council

also earlier version in Meijer, Roel, Alienation or Integration of Arab 

Also published in http://www.sfjff.org/guide/sephardic2.html 1999-2000 
(3rd ed.)

The first Jerusalem Spinoza Lectures. Also published in a Japanese 
translation by Bunka Shobo Hakubunsha Ltd

Now available also in an electronic edition from InteLex Corp.

now available in the UK in a Penguin edition

Also published as a chapter in Horgan, Terry and Timmons, Mark, Metaethics 
after Moore (Oxford), 319-337

Reprinted also in ...The International Research Library of Philosophy 
(Ashgate: Dartmouth Press, 1995)

[and] ... Moral Discourse and Practice: Some Philosophical Approaches (New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1997)

Published also in the Journal of Musicology Vol. 11, No. 1 (1993)

Also presented at the Annual Meeting and published as ASME-77-WA/Prod-20.

Also published in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, 
vol. 11, no. 2, 2005.

Also, Se I desideri fossero cavali: Apparecchiature funzionali e modifica 
della crescita, Prog. Orthod. 6:44-7, 2005.

Appeared also as, "Product and Process Tolerance Allocation for 
Multistation Compliant Assembly Systems Using Analytical Target 
Cascading", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.

Also appeared in the Proceedings of the 1987 ASME Biomechanics Symposium.

An earlier version also appeared in the proceedings of the 1992 ASME WAM 
Symposium on Automated Modeling

This article also appeared as Clinical Picture, Archives of Family 
Medicine, 6, 15-16, 1997

Also presented at the New England Section of SNAME in May 1979 under the 
title, "On the Design of Marine Risers."

[Journal article is a] revised version of paper [issued originally] in 
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and 
Arctic Engineering

Translated for revised edition, in collaboration with L. Conrad, entitled 
The Early Arabic Historical Tradition: A Source-Critical Study. Princeton: 
Darwin Press, 1994.

Translated as The Empire of the Mahdi: The Rise of the Fatimids. Leiden: 
E.J. Brill, 1996.

a revised and substantially expanded version of the 1977 paper with the 
same title.

[chapter...] Revised and expanded for the 2nd Edition (Detroit: Macmillan 
Reference USA, 2006)

... Champaign, Illinois: Research Press (1977). Reissued (1984, 1986) Ann 
Arbor, Michigan: Behavioral Medicine Press. Spanish edition (1980): Como 
dejar de fumar (T. Segur, Trans.) Barcelona, Spain: Bruguera.

Data reprinted in Child Development, McGraw-Hill Co.

Data reprinted in McGraw-Hill Handbook of Clinical Nursing, McGraw-Hill 

Data reprinted in Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

Data reprinted in Modern Medicine

Data reprinted in Atlas of Roentgenographic Measurement, 4th edition

Data reprinted in Obstetrics and Gynecology Encyclopedia of Terminology, 
F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA

reprinted in System Design of a Clinical Facility for Diagnostic 
Ultrasound, Alliance for Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Bethesda, 
MD, 29-34, September, 1977

reprinted in Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series in Political Science (PS 485)

Reprinted in French [as] Les abstentions a la Premiere election du 
Parlement europeen ...

Reprinted in Hungarian [as] Helyi Demokracia es Ujitasok ...

New York: The Free Press, 1994. Paperback, Cambridge: Harvard University 
Press, 1996. Chapter Four reprinted in Religion and American Culture, ed. 
David G. Hackett. New York: Routledge, 1995.

Chapter 9 reprinted in The American Jewish Experience, ed. Jonathan D. 
Sarna. New York: Holmes &amp; Meier, 1986.

Reprinted (with some revisions) [as] Queer Theory and the Jewish Question 
(Columbia University Press, 2004.)

Reprinted with a New Preface, UNC Press, July 2000

to be reprinted in Contemplating Edith Stein (South Bend, Indiana: 
University of Notre Dame Press, 2003).

Ch. 8 (on surrogate motherhood) reprinted in ...

Excerpts reprinted in ...

French translation reprinted in

Partially reprinted in

The University of Michigan Medical School, 1850-2000, Medicine at 
Michigan, Fall 2000:6-15. Reprinted from JAMA 283:915-920 (2000).

The Silent Revolution... [translated as] Shizukanaru Kakumei (1978); 
[translated as] Die stille Revolution (1982); [translated as] La 
Rivoluzione Silenziosa (Milan, 1983).

2. Actual relationship designations from thesis bibliography

English adaptation by Lydgate.

English translation.

English paraphrase.

French version.

Middle English version from MS Laud Misc. 622

Middle English version from MS Cotton Tiberius A.26

Greek source of Latin adaptation.

15th-century French translation

Middle Scots translation.

English version.

English translation of French adaptation.

Middle Scots translation

Middle Scots translation of French version [of Catalan original]

Low German version

Modernization of

Modernized from

Selection/excerpts translated in...

Rebuttal/refutation of // Answer to // Defense of

Bound/filmed/scanned/issued with

3. U.S.-MARC linking fields

translation of MARC 765

translated as MARC 767

supplemented by: MARC 770

supplement to: MARC 772

in: MARC 773

other edition(s) MARC 775

other form MARC 776

issued with MARC 777

continues/continues in part/supersedes/supersedes in 
part/combines/absorbs/absorbs in part/separated from MARC 780

continued by/continued in part by / superseded by/superseded in part 
by/absorbed by/absorbed in part by/split into/merged with x to form 
y/reverts to MARC 785

derives data from MARC 786

unspecified relationship 787 (cp. 580 complexity note), e.g.

   forms part of,

   addition to,


   sometimes accompanies,


Paul Schaffner | PFSchaffner at umich.edu | http://www.umich.edu/~pfs/
316-C Hatcher Library N, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1205

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