[tei-council] AMBER for your action

Dan O'Donnell daniel.odonnell at uleth.ca
Mon Mar 16 21:24:54 EDT 2009

> AMBER Feature Requests
> New, not yet discussed:
> 2673045  	new attribute @rational on num


I lean towards yes. But what about the comments at the bottom. Are there 
other implications?
> 2672530 	Remove repository element requirement in msIdentifier


Here I wonder if the problem may involve the semantics of the element 
name which could be adjusted with some minor changes. What Hugh is 
really concerned about is that he thinks that some material has 
locations rather than repositories. Looking at the element description, 
I see that repository is very manuscript centric--in fact much more than 
our description of the applicability of the module:

Element: contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts are 
stored, possibly forming part of an institution
Manuscript module description: Although originally developed to meet the 
needs of cataloguers and scholars working with medieval manuscripts in 
the European tradition, the scheme presented here is general enough that 
it can also be extended to other traditions and materials, and is 
potentially useful for any kind of inscribed artefact.

So my initial solution would be to broaden the semantics of repository 
to mean "current location." This is what Lou suggests at the end it is 
supposed to mean. Perhaps clarify it?
> 2640345 	add first and last page recommandation for biblScope


Seems very sensible with the caveats and suggestions by James and Peter 
in the comments.
> 2411994 	Define canonical way of referencing TEI element definitions


This is a major undertaking, IMO. As the note says, we have a canonical 
way of referencing (by URL). This is a request to map this to another 
system that would allow third party resolution. Perhaps this is a P5.5 
undertaking (i.e. preparatory for P6), but then I'd want to hear a 
cost/benefit analysis.
> Old: discussed without resolution
> 2242434 	element for text suppressed by the editor 	


While I emotionally would want to say yes, gap is syntactically and 
semantically the janus opposite to supplied. It's description fits the 
requirements of this request: indicates a point where material has been 
omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in 
the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is 
illegible, invisible, or inaudible.

I wonder if the problem is not the natural language semantics of gap: 
that sounds like a found problem or a sampling question. What is wanted 
here is a term that can also cover more deliberateness. If gap had been 
named "omitted" I wonder if we'd have the problem. Perhaps a change in 
the description to really emphasise the extent to which this is covered 

So I think probably the answer in the end will have to be reeducation 
rather than accommodation. That this education will need to be maoist in 
intensity is indicated by the fact that none of Torsten's learned 
opponents mentioned gap.
> 2209933 	content model of 'am' (cf bug 2542813)


This is an old problem similar to what used to affect w: that is to say 
if you are transcribing for meaning by indicating am, are you really 
also transcribing for diplomatic features like unclear? What is striking 
in each of the cases Gabriel supplies is that he in fact knows what the 
resolution is, indicating that from the perspective of the text (rather 
than its diplomatics) the text is not unclear.

I'm sympathetic to the processing issues, but found myself working with 
w that there is some real reason in the current madness. Elena makes a 
good point in her comment. If we say no here (and even if we don't), 
perhaps we need to look at abbr? 
> 2055891 	Placement of schematron rules

No opinion.
> 1954920 	@role to be returned to att.naming


Like to see an example.
> 2493417 	<idno> coverage 


I think Lou is right here in his followup to Peter's long comment on the 
discussion. Peter is also right, IMO. Which is evidence of a category 
disagreement. It seems to me that we can implement Laurent's suggestion 
and Peter's (though I have some caveats on the actual implementation of 
what Peter wants) side by side. And as Lou says, Laurent's original idea 
is easy to conceptualise and implement.
> AMBER Bugs
> New, not yet discussed:
> 2607768  	<figure> should be global


(Just ran into the situation Syd describes adding the badges to tei-c, 
in fact). I appreciate Lou's point in the comments about graphic already 
being global: but are not the children of figure also useful wherever 
graphic is?

> 2355564 	<figure> should be allowed inside <trailer>


Because of above. Lou's comment suggestions that he has strong 
reservations against?
> 2542813 	origDate should allow more than text content


I'm leaning to this because I find the "far fetched" example in source 
forge fairly convincing and not far fetched, having encountered it 
myself. I find the Bodleian bit less convincing, however, as a rationale.

Lou's point in his comment about consistency is important.
> 2526505 	content model of <div> eschews <trailer>


I'd have said yes had I not seen the other votes: perhaps I just don't 
understand the issue. As I understand it, Syd's actually misnamed the 
bug: his point is that there are some allowable combinations with 
trailer that seem to be arbitrarily excluded when other combinations are 

Perhaps we need some examples, and if none are forthcoming, perhaps we 
need to consider some of the other potentially nonsensical combinations 
Syd points out?
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Daniel Paul O'Donnell
Associate Professor of English
University of Lethbridge

Chair and CEO, Text Encoding Initiative (http://www.tei-c.org/)
Founding Director, Digital Medievalist Project (http://www.digitalmedievalist.org/)
Chair, Electronic Editions Advisory Board, Medieval Academy of America

Vox: +1 403 329-2377
Fax: +1 403 382-7191 (non-confidental)
Home Page: http://people.uleth.ca/~daniel.odonnell/

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