[tei-council] Stylesheets (wasRe: "Getting Started": a couple of questions)

David Sewell dsewell at virginia.edu
Tue Nov 25 17:12:03 EST 2008

Hmm. Three very different renderings here.

1. http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/GettingStarted/html/
   (using odd2html.xsl; multi-page HTML, null margins,
   egXML formatted properly)

2. http://peterboot.nl/tei/gs.html
   (Peter's output, good margins, everything OK
    except egXML wrapping)

3. http://lister.ei.virginia.edu/~drs2n/gettingstarted.html
   (My output using out-of-the-box oXygen 10 transform,
    everything OK except <egXML> is not transformed
    properly at all--default XSLT template is applied
    to extract string value.)

I think that one thing we're going to need to do short-to-medium term is
add <egXML> handling (possibly some other elements as well) to the
standard stylesheets, as there are plenty of cases in TEI born-digital
documentation apart from ODD files where we might want to use them.


On Tue, 25 Nov 2008, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:

> http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/GettingStarted/html/
> is doing the stuff now. it _should_
> check every 15 minutes for changes and make
> a new version if needed.
> let me know of any infelicities, I have not really
> checked this at all

David Sewell, Editorial and Technical Manager
ROTUNDA, The University of Virginia Press
PO Box 801079, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4318 USA
Courier: 310 Old Ivy Way, Suite 302, Charlottesville VA 22903
Email: dsewell at virginia.edu   Tel: +1 434 924 9973
Web: http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/

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