[tei-council] example for TEI lite P5

Peter Boot pboot at xs4all.nl
Sun Oct 26 12:42:07 EDT 2008

Laurent Romary schreef:
> Should we see the revision of U5 (TEI light) as part of the short term  
> agenda?

Are there any other problems reported with TEI Lite? If there are not, 
we should deal with this issue. I'd agree with Syd that in P5 <language> 
is no longer needed in Lite, as xml:lang is, for most situations, 
sufficiently powerful. But it may be something for P5 1.3 (if we let 
customisations follow the release cycle of the main Guidelines)

> In any case, to answer the question, I think the council is  
> responsible of the editorial maintenance of U5.

I'd say the Council is responsible for maintaining the customizations 
that the TEI Consortium provides (Lite, bare, etc).


BTW: In the definition of @xml:lang in 
I think a reference to section vi.i (Language identification, 
http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/CH.html#CHSH) would 
be helpful.

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