[tei-council] [Fwd: META: rethinking usage= of <elementSpec>]
Sebastian Rahtz
sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Sat Sep 6 14:52:44 EDT 2008
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: META: rethinking usage= of <elementSpec>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 13:46:26 -0400
From: Syd Bauman <Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu>
Reply-To: Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
To: Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk>
[Sebastian: I think this is probably best posted to the Council
list, perhaps with your comments added.]
The <elementSpec> element bears a usage= attribute, whose possible
values are:
req (required)
mwa (mandatory when applicable)
rec (recommended)
rwa (recommended when applicable)
opt (optional)
No mention of what this attribute means or of how to use it occurs in
either the tagdoc or in the prose of 22.4.4.
Does it have any effect on a generated schema? I am not aware of any,
but I have not tested extensively. There is no GUI to this attribute
in Roma the web application.
When an element is permitted because of membership in a model class,
I don't think its usage= attribute *can* have an effect on the
resulting RELAX NG schema. (Or at least not without heroic effort on
the part of the ODD processor to do things we probably wouldn't want
it to do.)
It is probably possible to have an ODD processor look to see if any
members of a class that is referred to in an element's content has
usage="req", and in that case write out a Schematron rule. But that
may be a lot of work, and would have an impact on the phrasing of
conformance, too. (Which changes I strongly recommend, anyway.)
I don't think the information imparted by this attribute is used in
our current reference documentation, either.
For what it's worth, the current values of this attribute are:
by element name by order of declaration by value of usage=
-- ------- ---- -- ----- -- ----------- -- ----- -- ------
TEI is req teiHeader is req analytic is mwa
ab is opt fileDesc is req app is mwa
abbr is opt titleStmt is req attDef is mwa
activity is opt sponsor is opt attList is mwa
actor is opt funder is opt attRef is mwa
add is opt principal is mwa castItem is mwa
addName is opt editionStmt is opt castList is mwa
addSpan is opt edition is opt code is mwa
addrLine is opt extent is opt dictScrap is mwa
address is opt publicationStmt is re eg is mwa
affiliation is opt distributor is opt egXML is mwa
alt is opt authority is opt entry is mwa
altGrp is opt idno is opt entryFree is mwa
analytic is mwa availability is opt epilogue is mwa
anchor is rec seriesStmt is opt fDecl is mwa
app is mwa notesStmt is opt fsDecl is mwa
arc is opt sourceDesc is req gi is mwa
argument is opt biblFull is opt group is mwa
attDef is mwa encodingDesc is rec iff is mwa
attList is mwa projectDesc is opt l is mwa
attRef is mwa samplingDecl is opt monogr is mwa
author is opt editorialDecl is opt performance is mwa
authority is opt correction is opt principal is mwa
availability is opt normalization is opt prologue is mwa
back is rec quotation is opt role is mwa
bibl is opt hyphenation is opt series is mwa
biblFull is opt segmentation is opt stage is mwa
biblScope is opt stdVals is rec teiCorpus is mwa
biblStruct is opt interpretation is opt then is mwa
bicond is opt tagsDecl is rec vRange is mwa
binary is rwa tagUsage is rec valItem is mwa
birth is opt rendition is rec valList is mwa
bloc is opt refsDecl is opt variantEncoding is mwa
body is req cRefPattern is opt ab is opt
broadcast is opt refState is opt abbr is opt
byline is opt classDecl is opt activity is opt
c is opt taxonomy is opt actor is opt
cRefPattern is opt category is opt add is opt
caesura is opt catDesc is opt addName is opt
camera is opt profileDesc is rec addSpan is opt
caption is opt creation is opt addrLine is opt
case is rec langUsage is rec address is opt
castGroup is opt language is rec affiliation is opt
castItem is mwa textClass is opt alt is opt
castList is mwa keywords is opt altGrp is opt
catDesc is opt classCode is opt arc is opt
catRef is opt catRef is opt argument is opt
category is opt revisionDesc is rec author is opt
cb is opt change is opt authority is opt
cell is rwa p is req availability is opt
certainty is opt foreign is opt bibl is opt
change is opt emph is rwa biblFull is opt
channel is opt hi is opt biblScope is opt
choice is opt distinct is opt biblStruct is opt
cit is opt said is opt bicond is opt
cl is opt quote is opt birth is opt
classCode is opt q is opt bloc is opt
classDecl is opt cit is opt broadcast is opt
classSpec is rwa mentioned is rwa byline is opt
classes is rwa soCalled is opt c is opt
closer is opt desc is req cRefPattern is opt
code is mwa gloss is rwa caesura is opt
colloc is opt term is rwa camera is opt
cond is opt sic is opt caption is opt
constitution is opt corr is opt castGroup is opt
content is opt choice is opt catDesc is opt
corr is opt reg is opt catRef is opt
correction is opt orig is opt category is opt
country is opt gap is opt cb is opt
creation is opt add is opt certainty is opt
damage is opt del is opt change is opt
damageSpan is opt unclear is opt channel is opt
datatype is req name is opt choice is opt
date is opt rs is opt cit is opt
dateline is opt email is opt cl is opt
death is opt address is opt classCode is opt
def is opt addrLine is opt classDecl is opt
default is rwa street is opt closer is opt
defaultVal is req postCode is opt colloc is opt
del is opt postBox is opt cond is opt
delSpan is opt num is opt constitution is opt
derivation is opt measure is opt content is opt
desc is req date is opt corr is opt
dictScrap is mwa time is opt correction is opt
distinct is opt abbr is opt country is opt
distributor is opt expan is opt creation is opt
district is opt ptr is opt damage is opt
div is rwa ref is opt damageSpan is opt
div1 is rwa list is rwa date is opt
div2 is rwa item is rwa dateline is opt
div3 is rwa label is rwa death is opt
div4 is rwa head is rwa def is opt
div5 is rwa headLabel is rwa del is opt
div6 is rwa headItem is rwa delSpan is opt
div7 is rwa note is rec derivation is opt
divGen is opt index is opt distinct is opt
docAuthor is rec milestone is opt distributor is opt
docDate is rec pb is opt district is opt
docEdition is opt lb is opt divGen is opt
docImprint is opt cb is opt docEdition is opt
docTitle is rec analytic is mwa docImprint is opt
domain is opt monogr is mwa domain is opt
eLeaf is opt series is mwa eLeaf is opt
eTree is opt author is opt eTree is opt
edition is opt editor is opt edition is opt
editionStmt is opt respStmt is rwa editionStmt is opt
editor is opt resp is opt editor is opt
editorialDecl is opt title is opt editorialDecl is opt
education is opt meeting is opt education is opt
eg is mwa imprint is opt elementSpec is opt
egXML is mwa publisher is opt email is opt
elementSpec is opt biblScope is opt epigraph is opt
email is opt pubPlace is opt equipment is opt
emph is rwa bibl is opt equiv is opt
encodingDesc is rec biblStruct is opt expan is opt
entry is mwa listBibl is opt extent is opt
entryFree is mwa l is mwa fDescr is opt
epigraph is opt lg is opt factuality is opt
epilogue is mwa sp is opt foreign is opt
equipment is opt speaker is opt forename is opt
equiv is opt stage is mwa forest is opt
etym is rec TEI is req forestGrp is opt
exemplum is rwa teiCorpus is mwa fsConstraints is opt
expan is opt text is req fsDescr is opt
extent is opt body is req funder is opt
f is rwa group is mwa fw is opt
fDecl is mwa floatingText is req gap is opt
fDescr is opt div is rwa genName is opt
fLib is rwa div1 is rwa geo is opt
factuality is opt div2 is rwa geogFeat is opt
figDesc is rwa div3 is rwa geogName is opt
figure is rwa div4 is rwa gram is opt
fileDesc is req div5 is rwa hi is opt
floatingText is req div6 is rwa hom is opt
foreign is opt div7 is rwa hyph is opt
forename is opt divGen is opt hyphenation is opt
forest is opt trailer is opt iType is opt
forestGrp is opt byline is opt idno is opt
form is rec dateline is opt if is opt
formula is rwa argument is opt imprimatur is opt
front is rec epigraph is opt imprint is opt
fs is rwa opener is opt index is opt
fsConstraints is opt closer is opt interaction is opt
fsDecl is mwa salute is opt interp is opt
fsDescr is opt signed is opt interpGrp is opt
fsdDecl is rwa postscript is opt interpretation is opt
funder is opt titlePage is rec join is opt
fvLib is rwa docTitle is rec joinGrp is opt
fw is opt titlePart is rec keywords is opt
gap is opt docAuthor is rec lacunaEnd is opt
gen is rec imprimatur is opt lacunaStart is opt
genName is opt docEdition is opt langKnown is opt
geo is opt docImprint is opt lb is opt
geoDecl is rec docDate is rec lbl is opt
geogFeat is opt front is rec lg is opt
geogName is opt back is rec link is opt
gi is mwa metDecl is rec linkGrp is opt
gloss is rwa metSym is opt listBibl is opt
gram is opt caesura is opt listNym is opt
gramGrp is rec rhyme is opt listPerson is opt
graph is rwa set is opt listPlace is opt
group is mwa prologue is mwa locale is opt
handNotes is rec epilogue is mwa m is opt
handShift is rec performance is mwa macroSpec is opt
head is rwa castList is mwa measure is opt
headItem is rwa castGroup is opt meeting is opt
headLabel is rwa castItem is mwa metSym is opt
hi is opt role is mwa milestone is opt
hom is opt roleDesc is opt move is opt
hyph is opt actor is opt name is opt
hyphenation is opt move is opt nameLink is opt
iNode is rwa view is opt nationality is opt
iType is opt camera is opt normalization is opt
idno is opt sound is opt notesStmt is opt
if is opt caption is opt num is opt
iff is mwa tech is opt nym is opt
imprimatur is opt scriptStmt is rwa oRef is opt
imprint is opt recordingStmt is rwa oVar is opt
incident is rec recording is opt occupation is opt
index is opt equipment is opt offset is opt
interaction is opt broadcast is opt opener is opt
interp is opt u is req org is opt
interpGrp is opt vocal is rec orgName is opt
interpretation is opt kinesic is rec orig is opt
item is rwa incident is rec pRef is opt
join is opt writing is rec pVar is opt
joinGrp is opt shift is opt particDesc is opt
keywords is opt superEntry is rwa pb is opt
kinesic is rec entry is mwa per is opt
l is mwa entryFree is mwa persName is opt
label is rwa hom is opt person is opt
lacunaEnd is opt sense is opt personGrp is opt
lacunaStart is opt dictScrap is mwa phr is opt
lang is rec form is rec placeName is opt
langKnown is opt orth is rec pos is opt
langUsage is rec pron is rec postBox is opt
language is rec hyph is opt postCode is opt
lb is opt syll is opt postscript is opt
lbl is opt stress is opt preparedness is opt
leaf is rwa gram is opt projectDesc is opt
lem is rwa gen is rec ptr is opt
lg is opt number is rec pubPlace is opt
link is opt case is rec publisher is opt
linkGrp is opt per is opt purpose is opt
list is rwa tns is opt q is opt
listBibl is opt mood is rwa quotation is opt
listNym is opt iType is opt quote is opt
listPerson is opt gramGrp is rec rdgGrp is opt
listPlace is opt pos is opt re is opt
listWit is rwa subc is opt recording is opt
locale is opt colloc is opt ref is opt
m is opt def is opt refState is opt
macroSpec is opt etym is rec refsDecl is opt
measure is opt lang is rec reg is opt
meeting is opt usg is opt region is opt
mentioned is rwa lbl is opt relation is opt
metDecl is rec xr is opt relationGrp is opt
metSym is opt re is opt remarks is opt
milestone is opt oRef is opt residence is opt
monogr is mwa oVar is opt resp is opt
mood is rwa pRef is opt respons is opt
move is opt pVar is opt rhyme is opt
name is opt addSpan is opt roleDesc is opt
nameLink is opt damage is opt roleName is opt
nationality is opt damageSpan is opt rs is opt
node is rwa delSpan is opt s is opt
normalization is opt fw is opt said is opt
note is rec handNotes is rec salute is opt
notesStmt is opt handShift is rec samplingDecl is opt
num is opt restore is rwa seg is opt
number is rec space is opt segmentation is opt
numeric is rwa supplied is opt sense is opt
nym is opt app is mwa seriesStmt is opt
oRef is opt lem is rwa set is opt
oVar is opt rdg is req setting is opt
occupation is opt rdgGrp is opt settingDesc is opt
offset is opt witDetail is rwa settlement is opt
opener is opt wit is rwa shift is opt
org is opt listWit is rwa sic is opt
orgName is opt witness is rwa signed is opt
orig is opt witStart is opt soCalled is opt
orth is rec witEnd is opt socecStatus is opt
p is req lacunaStart is opt sound is opt
pRef is opt lacunaEnd is opt sp is opt
pVar is opt variantEncoding is mw space is opt
particDesc is opt orgName is opt span is opt
pb is opt persName is opt spanGrp is opt
per is opt surname is opt speaker is opt
performance is mwa forename is opt sponsor is opt
persName is opt genName is opt street is opt
person is opt nameLink is opt stress is opt
personGrp is opt addName is opt subc is opt
phr is opt roleName is opt supplied is opt
placeName is opt placeName is opt surname is opt
pos is opt bloc is opt syll is opt
postBox is opt country is opt tag is opt
postCode is opt region is opt taxonomy is opt
postscript is opt district is opt tech is opt
preparedness is opt settlement is opt textClass is opt
principal is mwa offset is opt textDesc is opt
profileDesc is rec geogName is opt time is opt
projectDesc is opt geogFeat is opt timeline is opt
prologue is mwa affiliation is opt title is opt
pron is rec birth is opt tns is opt
ptr is opt death is opt trailer is opt
pubPlace is opt education is opt triangle is opt
publicationStmt is re geo is opt unclear is opt
publisher is opt geoDecl is rec usg is opt
purpose is opt langKnown is opt vDefault is opt
q is opt listPerson is opt val is opt
quotation is opt listPlace is opt view is opt
quote is opt nationality is opt w is opt
rdg is req occupation is opt when is opt
rdgGrp is opt org is opt witEnd is opt
re is opt relationGrp is opt witStart is opt
recording is opt person is opt xr is opt
recordingStmt is rwa personGrp is opt anchor is rec
ref is opt relation is opt back is rec
refState is opt residence is opt case is rec
refsDecl is opt socecStatus is opt docAuthor is rec
reg is opt nym is opt docDate is rec
region is opt listNym is opt docTitle is rec
relation is opt table is rwa encodingDesc is rec
relationGrp is opt row is rwa etym is rec
remarks is opt cell is rwa form is rec
rendition is rec formula is rwa front is rec
residence is opt figure is rwa gen is rec
resp is opt figDesc is rwa geoDecl is rec
respStmt is rwa textDesc is opt gramGrp is rec
respons is opt particDesc is opt handNotes is rec
restore is rwa settingDesc is opt handShift is rec
revisionDesc is rec channel is opt incident is rec
rhyme is opt constitution is opt kinesic is rec
role is mwa derivation is opt lang is rec
roleDesc is opt domain is opt langUsage is rec
roleName is opt factuality is opt language is rec
root is rwa interaction is opt metDecl is rec
row is rwa preparedness is opt note is rec
rs is opt purpose is opt number is rec
s is opt setting is opt orth is rec
said is opt locale is opt profileDesc is rec
salute is opt activity is opt pron is rec
samplingDecl is opt link is opt rendition is rec
scriptStmt is rwa linkGrp is opt revisionDesc is rec
seg is opt ab is opt stdVals is rec
segmentation is opt anchor is rec tagUsage is rec
sense is opt seg is opt tagsDecl is rec
series is mwa when is opt titlePage is rec
seriesStmt is opt timeline is opt titlePart is rec
set is opt join is opt vocal is rec
setting is opt joinGrp is opt writing is rec
settingDesc is opt alt is opt TEI is req
settlement is opt altGrp is opt body is req
shift is opt s is opt datatype is req
sic is opt cl is opt defaultVal is req
signed is opt phr is opt desc is req
soCalled is opt w is opt fileDesc is req
socecStatus is opt m is opt floatingText is req
sound is opt c is opt p is req
sourceDesc is req span is opt publicationStmt is req
sp is opt spanGrp is opt rdg is req
space is opt interp is opt sourceDesc is req
span is opt interpGrp is opt stringVal is req
spanGrp is opt fsdDecl is rwa teiHeader is req
speaker is opt fsDecl is mwa text is req
sponsor is opt fsDescr is opt titleStmt is req
stage is mwa fDecl is mwa u is req
stdVals is rec fDescr is opt binary is rwa
street is opt vRange is mwa cell is rwa
stress is opt vDefault is opt classSpec is rwa
string is rwa if is opt classes is rwa
stringVal is req then is mwa default is rwa
subc is opt fsConstraints is opt div is rwa
superEntry is rwa cond is opt div1 is rwa
supplied is opt bicond is opt div2 is rwa
surname is opt iff is mwa div3 is rwa
syll is opt fs is rwa div4 is rwa
symbol is rwa f is rwa div5 is rwa
table is rwa binary is rwa div6 is rwa
tag is opt symbol is rwa div7 is rwa
tagUsage is rec numeric is rwa emph is rwa
tagsDecl is rec string is rwa exemplum is rwa
taxonomy is opt vLabel is rwa f is rwa
tech is opt vColl is rwa fLib is rwa
teiCorpus is mwa default is rwa figDesc is rwa
teiHeader is req vAlt is rwa figure is rwa
term is rwa vNot is rwa formula is rwa
text is req vMerge is rwa fs is rwa
textClass is opt fLib is rwa fsdDecl is rwa
textDesc is opt fvLib is rwa fvLib is rwa
then is mwa graph is rwa gloss is rwa
time is opt node is rwa graph is rwa
timeline is opt arc is opt head is rwa
title is opt tree is rwa headItem is rwa
titlePage is rec root is rwa headLabel is rwa
titlePart is rec iNode is rwa iNode is rwa
titleStmt is req leaf is rwa item is rwa
tns is opt eTree is opt label is rwa
trailer is opt triangle is opt leaf is rwa
tree is rwa eLeaf is opt lem is rwa
triangle is opt forest is opt list is rwa
u is req forestGrp is opt listWit is rwa
unclear is opt certainty is opt mentioned is rwa
usg is opt respons is opt mood is rwa
vAlt is rwa code is mwa node is rwa
vColl is rwa eg is mwa numeric is rwa
vDefault is opt egXML is mwa recordingStmt is rwa
vLabel is rwa gi is mwa respStmt is rwa
vMerge is rwa tag is opt restore is rwa
vNot is rwa val is opt root is rwa
vRange is mwa stringVal is req row is rwa
val is opt elementSpec is opt scriptStmt is rwa
valDesc is rwa classSpec is rwa string is rwa
valItem is mwa macroSpec is opt superEntry is rwa
valList is mwa remarks is opt symbol is rwa
variantEncoding is mw exemplum is rwa table is rwa
view is opt classes is rwa term is rwa
vocal is rec equiv is opt tree is rwa
w is opt content is opt vAlt is rwa
when is opt attList is mwa vColl is rwa
wit is rwa attDef is mwa vLabel is rwa
witDetail is rwa attRef is mwa vMerge is rwa
witEnd is opt datatype is req vNot is rwa
witStart is opt defaultVal is req valDesc is rwa
witness is rwa valDesc is rwa wit is rwa
writing is rec valItem is mwa witDetail is rwa
xr is opt valList is mwa witness is rwa
Sebastian Rahtz
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431
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