[tei-council] Identification of TEI releases

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Wed Sep 3 06:01:05 EDT 2008

I would support both proposals....

Le 3 sept. 08 à 11:54, Peter Boot a écrit :

>> Peter Boot wrote:
>>>> I would personally favour to keep the full tei release... What  
>>>> would
>>>> the other think?
>>> I have no real preference, but if we keep both, they should have  
>>> names
>>> that people will understand, something like tei-full and tei- 
>>> components
>> done. see what you think now. its very easy to change to whatever
>> people prefer
> Much better, but I think tei-P5 (rather than just P5) would be even  
> better.
> Would it be similarly easy to add a few lines of explanation about the
> purpose of these packages to the release notes?
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