[tei-council] Identification of TEI releases

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Wed Sep 3 03:40:48 EDT 2008

OK. A few additional questions:
- how many people are using the tei release as opposed to the P5  
- can the creation of the tei release be automated (so that there  
would be no delay/difference between the two)?
- if no the preceding question, how much manual work is it for you?

Le 3 sept. 08 à 09:30, Sebastian Rahtz a écrit :

> Laurent Romary wrote:
>> Sebastian: can you elaborate a little on the difference between  
>> tei  and P5, so that we can try to make an informed decision there?
> a normal release consists of  six separate zip files
> (source, schema, doc, exemplars, test, database)
> so that you can choose what you want.  the "tei"
> release is all the same stuff, but in a single tar.gz archive
> ready to unpack in a runtime system
> -- 
> Sebastian Rahtz      Information Manager, Oxford University  
> Computing Services
> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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