[tei-council] Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Message from Laurent: telecon next Friday]

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Mon Aug 18 10:20:59 EDT 2008

Exactly! Daniel: are you online to set the line?

Le 18 août 08 à 16:17, David Sewell a écrit :

> Then just to clarify, the teleconference time would be
> Thursday 21 August, 1300 GMT/UTC  (*not* 1400, no daylight time)
> Local times:
> Berlin		1500 (3 PM)
> UK		1400 (2 PM)
> US East		0900 (9 AM)
> etc. Agreed?
> On Mon, 18 Aug 2008, Lou Burnard wrote:
>> Apologies to all for unintentionally introducing confusion by using  
>> the
>> word "Friday".
>> Thursday it is.
>> L
>> Laurent Romary wrote:
>>> Début du message réexpédié :
>>>> De : Laurent Romary <laurent.romary at loria.fr>
>>>> Date : 18 août 2008 08:11:23 HAEC
>>>> À : Lou Burnard <lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk>
>>>> Cc : Dan O'Donnell <daniel.odonnell at uleth.ca>
>>>> Objet : Rép : [Fwd: Re: [tei-council] Message from Laurent: telecon
>>>> next Friday]
>>>> Back on a decent email environment (nearly so): I meant Thursday
>>>> 21st, 3PM (my time).
>>>> I had suggested the following agenda in July, comments welcome:
>>>> - old issues (reminder to actions, closing threads)
>>>> - Summary of new features/bug request and proposal for action
>>>> - Formal support for XML schema validation -- survey user  
>>>> community to
>>>> determine need for W3C schema versus DTD, RELAX NG? [DS]
>>>> - physical bibliographies, dealing with comments from M  
>>>> McGillivray. I
>>>> would like to appoint someone to review this (Paul?)
>>>> - preparing our next F2F. My agenda is getting Pretty packed. I  
>>>> could
>>>> suggest 9-10 Oct. close to a major accessible Airport (Paris  
>>>> could be
>>>> one option, I can have a nice meeting place there)
>>>> Le 17 août 08 à 19:59, Lou Burnard a écrit :
>>>>> aargh! please sort this out!
>>>>> i can do either 21st or 22nd -- but it's not clear which laurent  
>>>>> is
>>>>> expecting.
>>>>> De : Lou Burnard <lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk>
>>>>> Date : 17 août 2008 19:03:17 HAEC
>>>>> À : Gabriel Bodard <gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk>
>>>>> Objet : Rép : [tei-council] Message from Laurent: telecon next  
>>>>> Friday
>>>>> My diary says the 21st.  But thanks to your note, I am now utterly
>>>>> confused! Since DPOD has to organise it, I'll go with whatever he
>>>>> says.
>>>>> Gabriel Bodard wrote:
>>>>>> Is this actually taking place on next Friday the 22nd, or  
>>>>>> Thursday
>>>>>> 21st? (Since there is no Friday 21st this month.)
>>>>>> Lou Burnard a écrit :
>>>>>>> Council members wondering what has happened to our chairman in
>>>>>>> the last
>>>>>>> few weeks will be glad to learn that he's now recovered from a
>>>>>>> couple of
>>>>>>> misfortunes which have been keeping him unnaturally quiet. At  
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> start
>>>>>>> of the month he was burgled and lost all the information on his
>>>>>>> laptop;
>>>>>>> recovering from backup is not so easy, but is underway, it  
>>>>>>> seems.
>>>>>>> And
>>>>>>> last week, he succumbed to a nasty flu infection.
>>>>>>> I have just been speaking to Laurent, and he asks me to confirm
>>>>>>> that we
>>>>>>> will be having our *planned Council teleconference next Friday*
>>>>>>> and also
>>>>>>> to request Daniel to organise this as before for 1500 Berlin  
>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>> (1400
>>>>>>> GMT) on the 21st. An agenda will follow in due course, early  
>>>>>>> next
>>>>>>> week,
>>>>>>> but it's probably a good idea to check everyone has the call in
>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>> calendars now!
>>>>>>> I hope to get a summary of the current state of outstanding  
>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>> requests ready over the weekend.
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> -- 
> David Sewell, Editorial and Technical Manager
> ROTUNDA, The University of Virginia Press
> PO Box 801079, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4318 USA
> Courier: 310 Old Ivy Way, Suite 302, Charlottesville VA 22903
> Email: dsewell at virginia.edu   Tel: +1 434 924 9973
> Web: http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/_______________________________________________
> tei-council mailing list
> tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU
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