[tei-council] TEI panel at DH

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Mon Jun 9 09:39:26 EDT 2008

OK. I open the fire. I am just wondering whether online brainstorming  
would work. Here below is a few lines of thought for us as council.
I will gather keywords, ideas, development about this, both in the  
details, but also on the basic question: "does it match what we are  
trying to do"?

TEI council – strategy statement
Main orientation for the council in the coming period

Maintaining the guidelines

Bug and feature reports
Missing “components”
New chapters
Connection with communities

Chertered group with a focused mission
Strategic technical collaborations


“TEI for the dummies”

Le 9 juin 08 à 12:06, Arianna Ciula a écrit :

> Dear all,
> together with Peter, James, John, and some other people outside the
> council, I have been invited to participate to the TEI panel to be  
> held
> this year at the Digital Humanities Conference in Oulu.
> I can choose to talk about a TEI feature of my interest, but Susas
> suggested that I might be able to update the audience on the Council
> activities.
> To do so, I think I need your input, since after the involvement of  
> all
> of us in sharing the workload to produce P5, it seems to me we have  
> firm
> objectives and mission, but may be still a blurred horizon with
> decisions and roles to be defined better.
> So, before I decide to talk about us, suggestions, contributions,
> comments are welcome!
> Arianna
> -- 
> Dr Arianna Ciula
> Research Associate
> Centre for Computing in the Humanities
> King's College London
> 2nd Floor
> 26-29 Drury Lane
> London WC2B 5RL (UK)
> Tel: +44 (0)20 78481945
> http://staff.cch.kcl.ac.uk/~aciula/
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