[tei-council] P5 1.0.2 is just around the corner...

David Sewell dsewell at virginia.edu
Tue May 27 21:03:08 EDT 2008

Just a note to say that I will be able to spend some time on this 
beginning tomorrow.


On Sun, 25 May 2008, Lou Burnard wrote:

> At the Galway meeting, we agreed a number of changes to P5, some but not
> all of which are already completed and will therefore appear in the next
> minor release, which is due to happen in a week's time (give or take..)
> I am hoping to get at least some of the uncompleted ones done later this
> week (assuming there are a few quiet moments at LREC), as well as
> distilling recent discussion on the lists into feature requests where
> possible.
> This is therefore perhaps an opportune moment to request all council
> members to take a quick look at
> (a) outstanding feature requests
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=644065&group_id=106328&func=browse
> and comment on any requests on which you think action is both feasible
> and desirable for this upcoming release
> and
> (b) actions agreed in Galway a
> http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Working/tcw12.xml
> and comment on actions as yet incomplete but which etc.
> Thanks in advance...
> Lou
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David Sewell, Editorial and Technical Manager
ROTUNDA, The University of Virginia Press
PO Box 801079, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4318 USA
Courier: 310 Old Ivy Way, Suite 302, Charlottesville VA 22903
Email: dsewell at virginia.edu   Tel: +1 434 924 9973
Web: http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/

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