[tei-council] [Fwd: TEI-PB P5 gap analysis 1: P5 11.1]

Arianna Ciula arianna.ciula at kcl.ac.uk
Mon May 19 05:17:40 EDT 2008

I think these are all very good points, but I also think that -as Murray 
implies- the one below is probably the first thing that needs to be talcked:

> This system seems easy to reconcile with the facsimile-focussed 
> description of book structure (using leaves and gatherings, etc.) we had 
> been working on in the previous PB draft, and in fact the one somewhat 
> glaring flaw in the system (one it shares with various book-facsimile 
> systems that are around, of course) is that it turns the document being 
> represented into a series of graphics files without an inherent 
> mechanism other than sequence (though users could define their own) for 
> indicating the structural relationships between the graphics (for 
> example that one <surface> is the other side of another <surface> 
> because they're different sides of the same page). And that's exactly 
> what our work can contribute to this model.

So, does this mean that the PB group will start working on the 
description of these structural relationships and what would be the best 
way to express them in TEI?


Dr Arianna Ciula
Research Associate
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London
2nd Floor
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL (UK)
Tel: +44 (0)20 78481945

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