[tei-council] Galway meeting minutes, completed draft
Lou Burnard
lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Sun Apr 20 13:31:08 EDT 2008
David Sewell wrote:
> Please see
> http://lister.ei.virginia.edu/galway-minutes.xml (raw)
> http://lister.ei.virginia.edu/galway-minutes.html (formatted)
> Lou or anyone else, if you have a chance could you put the XML in a
> temporary location on www.tei-c.org to see how it formats against the
> stylesheet there, as the default oXygen styling is rather different?
All places on www.tei-c.org are temporary... anyway, it's now uploaded to
Apologies for delay but (a) I bin on the road (b) I still fondly imagine
that maintaining the TEI website isn't my job.
It seems really really silly that the TEI Council's secretary has to use
his own private website rather than the site provided for the purpose of
holding the Council's records. The record of Council's business should
be open and available to read as soon as that business is transacted, in
the place where people expect to find it. It doesn't have to be
perfectly crafted prose, it doesn't have to look beautiful, and it
doesn't have to be approved by anyone (except the Council, of course).
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