[tei-council] hands=

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Wed Apr 9 07:33:23 EDT 2008

TMB> <handDesc hands="3" precision="low">...

SR> I don't think that really has the right semantics. It means "I
SR> think its 3 hands, but I am not very sure"; not the same as "many
SR> different hands".

I don't think so -- what SR is describing is accuracy=low. This is
even a bit worse.

I'm kind of fond of the "3+" solution, although the parallelism of
minHands= and maxHands= isn't lost on me, either. But to throw another
approach into the pile, why not:

    <attDef ident="hand">
      <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
        <choice xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0">
          <ref name="data.count"/>
          <ref name="data.enumerated"/>
      <valList type="semi">
        <valItem ident="various">
          <desc>an indeterminate or unspecified number greater than

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