[tei-council] hands=

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Apr 8 17:09:06 EDT 2008

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> Matthew James Driscoll wrote:
>> It doesn't have to be "many", that's just what the guidelines suggest (erroneously, as it happens); it could also be "various", which is very common in manuscript descriptions. Is there not some standard way of indicating "an indeterminate or unspecified number greater than one"
> if anything other than a number means "various", why not just treat the 
> absence of
> @hands as meaning "I dunno, quite a few, I can't tell"?

FWIW: I'd say an absence of @hands means there is one hand.

> but I think you need the facility to say "at least 3, maybe more".

And equally that there are less than 5, maybe less.  And that there are 
somewhere between 3 and 8 but I'm not really sure how many in that 
range...but I know certainly there are at least 3 and certainly less 
than 8. ;-)


Dr James Cummings, Research Technologies Service, University of Oxford
James dot Cummings at oucs dot ox dot ac dot uk

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