[tei-council] hands=

Tone Merete Bruvik tone.bruvik at aksis.uib.no
Tue Apr 8 06:01:11 EDT 2008

Is it an idea to use the newly suggested @precision attribute in this  
case as well? But then I guess that something like this looks a bit odd:

<handDesc hands="3" precision="low">...

Sebastian's suggestion to use "<" or ">", but the character "<" can  
not be used ( not well formed), but using "3+" as James suggests  
might work:

<handDesc hands="3+" >

Tone Merete

Den 8. apr. 2008 kl. 11.04 skrev Sebastian Rahtz:

> we could treat it like dates, and add @maxHands and @minHands  
> alongside
> @hands, all integer. so you have to commit yourself to saying "at  
> least 3"
> or "no more than 8", or "exactly 2".
> or copy dates even more, and have a pointer to a taxonomy with
> @handRange (comparable to @period).
> -- 
> Sebastian Rahtz
> Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431
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