[tei-council] Galway workshop 2 April 2008 - contributions

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Thu Mar 6 02:22:22 EST 2008

Dear all,
I received the draft program below from Malte Rehbein and would like  
your quick feedback about who could make the corresponding  
introductory or more advanced presentation on the current status of  
the TEI guidelines. The presentation should be short (15') and our  
colleagues in Galway have identified the following topics:
Two introductory talks:
* NN, "TEI: What it is and Where it's Been" => global introduction to  
the scope and content of the TEI; I guess Lou could have something ready
* NN, "How to start with TEI" => I could do a Roma tour
Three more advanced presentation on the following topics:
* NN, "The TEI P5 milestone" => main features brought by P5
* NN, "Linking the transcription to the digitised manuscript"
* NN, "Introducing overlapping structures"

Could I have some volunteers on these?
Best wishes,

9:00 Registration, coffee

09:30 Welcome (Nicholas Canny?)

09:35 Keynote speech

Susan Schreibman (Dublin), Director of the Digital Humanities  
Observatory (DHO)

10:15 Session "TEI based editions" (3 papers, each 20 minutes and 10  
minutes discussion)

Chair: Arianna Ciula (London)

* James Cummings (Oxford), "The Godwin project"
* Franz Fischer (Köln), "The pluralistic approach - William of  
Auxerre's treatise on liturgy"
* Elena Pierazzo (London), "Editorial teamwork in a digital  
environment: the edition of the correspondence of Giacomo Puccini"

11:45 Coffee break

12:00 Workshop "Getting started with the TEI" (2 presentations by  
Council members, each 15 minutes)

* NN, "TEI: What it is and Where it's Been"
* NN, "How to start with TEI"

12:30 Session "Thoughts on TEI" (2 papers, each 20 minutes and 10  
minutes discussion)

Chair: Elena Pierazzo (London)

* Paul Caton (Galway), "TEI projects and Common Knowledge"
* Federico Meschini (Leicester), "TEI and Scholarly Editions"
* Poster introduction: John Walsh (Indiana), "Document-Centric  
Framework for Navigating Texts Online"

13:30 Lunch break

14:15 Workshop "Going on with the TEI" (3 presentations by Council  
members, each 15 minutes)

* NN, "The TEI P5 milestone"
* NN, "Linking the transcription to the digitised manuscript"(?)
* NN, "Introducing overlapping structures"

15:00 Session "Irish TEI projects" (3 papers, each 20 minutes and 10  
minutes discussion)

Chair: NN

* Padraic Moran (Cambridge), "Digital methodologies for early Irish  
* Justin Tonra (Galway), "Encoding Lalla Rookh: The Thomas Moore  
Hypermedia Archive"
* NN

16:30 Coffee break

16:45 Concluding Round Table discussion (possible topics: "Promoting  
the TEI in Ireland", "A TEI community for Ireland")

Moderation: Sean Ryder (Galway)

17:30 Informal wine reception

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