[tei-council] broken schemas in exemplars

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jan 29 16:51:04 EST 2008

FWIW, I was going to respond to the earlier comment suggesting that we 
should reinstate tagsDecl in TEI Lite
Except that it will mean quite some expansion of the tutorial documentation.

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> David Sewell wrote:
>> I actually think that global @rendition would be useful in TEI Lite.
>> However, if we're excluding <tagsDecl> then there's no mechanism to
>> add <rendition> elements, and therefore nothing for @rendition to point
>> to legally (although with the existing P5 TEI Lite schema, using
>> @rendition="#whatever" does not produce a validation error).
> agreed, we have to decide whether <rendition> is out,
> or <tagsDecl> is in. Who wants to make a judgement
> call on this? well, seems clear to me that simplest is to
> put <tagsDecl> back in to Lite.
>> If rendition goes then @rendition should be removed from att.global.
> very true
> David, could you possibly do a report on the other Exemplars
> and make a proposal for fixes?

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