[tei-council] Chapter 10 - Manuscript Description

Arianna Ciula arianna.ciula at kcl.ac.uk
Thu Jan 24 14:37:01 EST 2008


since I saw this email about the MS chapter, I thought to report those 
mistakes/comments that I had noted and hadn't found time to report yet 

- example:
<msItem defective="true">
  <locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
  <title type="uniform">Ágrip af Noregs konunga sǫgum</title>
  <incipit defective="true">regi oc h<expan>ann</expan> seti
    ho<gap reason="illegible" extent="7" unit="mm"/>
   <lb/>sc heim se<expan>m</expan> þio</incipit>
  <explicit defective="true">h<expan>on</expan> hev<expan>er</expan>
   <expan>oc</expan> þa buit hesta .ij. <lb/>annan viþ fé en
    h<expan>on</expan>o<expan>m</expan> annan til reiþ<expan>ar</expan>

Surely all those <expan> should be <ex> instead.

- "Although no specific notation is defined here, provision is made for 
the tagging of such with the standard TEI <formula> element. Here are 
some examples of different ways of treating collation:"

I think the fact that <formula> is available only if the figures module 
is used should be made explicit here.

- "The locus element discussed in 10.3.5 References to Locations within 
a Manuscript can then indicate which foliation scheme is being cited by 
means of its @source attribute, which points to this identifier:"

The attribute is @scheme and not @source.

- "for example, at the point in the transcript where the second hand 
listed above starts (i.e. at folio 72v:4), we might insert handShift 

It would be nice to have an example here.

Arianna (happy we have got a chair!)

Lou's Laptop wrote:

>> * Additions and Marginalia*
>> It would seem that it might be helpful to have a means of describing 
>> the relative location of marginalia (e.g., which margin, for example). 
>> Is there some way to do this at present?
> Not at present: the <marginalia> element simply contains prose.

I think you mean <additions> here....I can see a case for adding it as a 
member of att.placement myself.

>> * Accompanying Material*
>> Does the <accMat> example with a <quote> inside actually referring to 
>> an "agency external to the text". And what if the note was from the 
>> author him/herself? Would it still be an agency external to the text?
> Yes. The "text" here is the ms description itself, so anything quoted 
> from somewhere else (in this case the scrap of paper being described) is 
> a <quote>
>> take care,
>> Brett
> I try to :-)
> Lou
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Dr Arianna Ciula
Research Associate
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London
2nd Floor
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL (UK)
Tel: +44 (0)20 78481945

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