[tei-council] council meeting 2008: Ireland?

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Mon Nov 5 12:40:16 EST 2007

> Sounds in principle a great idea! if we could do an outreach day
> there organised by Malte and have a council meeting, I don't see
> that it matters Malte not being a member of the Council.

I agree. (Note also that ex-WWPer Paul Caton is there.)

> however, i was wondering if we should not have a meeting earlier
> than usual, say in February, to really establish a plan for what to
> do next.

I'm not so sure about this. I'm not sure it makes sense to spend
thousands of dollars of TEI funds to meet to establish a plan.
Shouldn't we at least try to establish a big-picture plan first, so we
can actually move towards implementing it with face-to-face time?
On the other hand, things are so different, perhaps it is necessary

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