[tei-council] kerrunch time.

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Fri Oct 19 12:18:36 EDT 2007

> I did this in the only way I know how -- deleting the old, and
> adding the new.

I don't think it matters, I'm just curious -- using `svn mv` or first
an `svn del` and then an `svn add`?

> In the absence of any information about what exactly is broken, I
> am unable to fix anything.

I don't know exactly what's going on, either. I just ran a test, and
if I perform a case-only rename on a case-sensitive system
(GNU/Linux) of a file with `svn mv` (or `svn del` then `svn add` of a
copy), updating working copy on a case-insensitive system doesn't
give me an error. When I try to either update my working copy or even
check out a new working copy of P5
(https://tei.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tei/trunk/P5) on my Mac OS X
system or a colleague's Windows system, however, I get:

svn: In directory 'P5/Source/Specs'
svn: Can't open file
     No such file or directory

Could someone else with Mac OS X or Windows give this a try?

> I dont know what the instructions you point to have to do with it.

Not as much as I thought they did, but they do suggest that we should
perform case-only renames using URLs.

> I use GNU/Linux, which is a case sensitive O/S.

Yes, I know. I just wish Mac OS X and Windows would follow suit.

I don't fully understand the problem, but my first try at fixing it
would be to commit some change to the Specs/ directory. (Try changing
the order of attrs in att.global, moving xml:space= to the end :-) I
don't think that would fix things, but it might, and it's easy and
harmless to try.

If that doesn't work, I am not sure, but I am worried that your only
recourse will be

$ cd P5/
$ cp -p Source/Specs/macro.schemaPattern.xml /tmp/
$ svn del Source/Specs/macro.schemaPattern.xml 
$ svn ci -m "temporarily remove recently renamed file to try to fix SVN problem"
$ mv /tmp/macro.schemaPattern.xml Source/Specs/
$ svn add Source/Specs/macro.schemaPattern.xml 
$ svn ci -m "hope newly added copy of renamed file fixes SVN problem"

thus ditching easy access to that file's revision history. And I'm
not at all sure that this will work!

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