[tei-council] comments on ST

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Oct 18 10:35:43 EDT 2007

Syd Bauman wrote:
>* entire Guidelines, Passim: when we refer to a chapter, section, or
>   subsection with a <ptr>, we should probably ditch the word
>   "chapter" or "section" or whatever in the source prose file, and
>   let the stylesheet generate the level of the division. Probably a
>   P5 1.1 thing.

This is on my list of last minute checking -- it's easy to check the 
word preceding <ptr> passim...

> * 1st para: I'm wondering if the entire 2nd half of the 1st para is
>   necessary. I.e. "Other chapters supply ... new TEI-based system."
>   seems like overkill. All this stuff is discussed better a few
>   paragraphs later, and plopping it right up front may scare the more
>   timid off. (I understand the logic of telling the reader up front
>   what topics they might be looking for that this chapter *doesn't*
>   cover and where to find it -- I'm just not sure it's worth it in
>   this case.)

What do others think? It seems fine to me (but then I wrote it) -- it's 
reasonable to advise people what the chapter is about.

> * 3rd para, last sentence: I don't like using "mix and match" in this
>   way, since it's the other modules that can be mixed and matched,
>   not the four that are the subject of the sentence. How about
>      Most schemas will therefore need to include these four modules,
>      but are free to add most any combination of others.

"most any combination" is markedly AmE usage, and it does say "mix and 
match WITH". However, there's no need for the phrase following the comma 
anyway, so I've just deleted it.

> * 4th para, last sentence, "... as well as to generate documentation
>   such as the <title>Guidelines</title> and their associated
>   website.": I'd like to shift the emphasis to the possibilities.
>   Something more like:
>      ... as well as to generate associated documentation in a variety
>      of formats. (At the time of this writing TEI and XHTML formats
>      are supported by TEI-supplied software.) The web-accessible
>      version of these <title>Guidelines</title> is generated in this
>      manner.

"At the time of this writing" is always a hostage to fortune. I don't 
think that this is the place to say more than it currently says.

> * Should STECAT (1.4 Attribute Classes) and STECCM (1.5 Model
>   Classes) be subsections of STEC (1.3 The TEI Class System)? (Didn't
>   they used to be?)

Yup.  A mistake! now fixed.

> * //div[@xml:id='STMA']/p[1]/list[1]/item[2], "a formal declaration,
>   expressed for reference by means of the ISO schema language RELAX
>   NG": The "for reference" does not seem to belong, but moreover, our
>   formal declarations are, in part, expressed not in RELAX NG but in
>   TEI.

Fair point. Have changed to

" a formal declaration, expressed using a special-purpose XML
vocabulary defined by these Guidelines in combination with elements
taken from the ISO schema language RELAX NG"

> * //div[@xml:id='STMA']/p[2]: I am not sure that the first two
>   sentences of this paragraph are needed at all, but if you think the
>   ideas expressed are important to explain, then they need to be
>   re-written, as they confused me, let alone a new user!

There is a distinction being made between the "definition" and the 
"declaration" parts of the ODD. But I've now tried a rewrite.

> * #STMA, 1st comment, "<!-- table can be re-autogenerated from
>   modules.xsl LB 20-xii-05 -->": where is this modules.xsl
>   stylesheet? Generation of this table should be made part of the
>   build process (I think we should do so before 1.0.)

Will look into this. I thought it was in Utilities, but it isn't.

> * #tab-mods: This is the first (and almost only) use of "formal
>   public identifier" in the Guidelines. Is there any reason to retain
>   this information here?

Dunno. Do FPIs have any future in XML?

  I'm also wondering about the arrangement of
>   the table. It seems to me much more likely that a user will come in
>   asking the question "what is the formal name of the module
>   associated with chapter X" than "what is the chapter associated
>   with module NAME". In which case, the table should be sorted
>   numerically by chapter, rather than by module name, and the chapter
>   column should be first.

I am still not happy about the names of the modules, myself. So will try 
to come up with a revision that takes this into account.

> * Last para before #STIN: I don't like how this sentence is phrased,
>   but was not able to come up with something better off the top of my
>   head. Seems to me part of the point is to explicitly say that for
>   each module there is a chapter that describes it, but that there
>   are some other chapters not associated with modules.
How about:

<p>For each module listed above, the corresponding chapter gives a
full description of the classes, elements, and macros
which it makes available when it is included in a schema. Other
chapters of these Guidelines explore other aspects of using the TEI
scheme. </p>

> * //div[@xml:id='STIN']/p[1], last sentence: "Local systems may allow
>   their schema or DTD to be implicit, but for interchange purposes
>   the schema associated with a document <emph>must</emph> be made
>   explicit."
>   1) " or DTD" should be deleted


>   2) I realize I've lost the battle to define a mechanism for such an
>      association already, but I have a problem requiring that an
>      association be made explicit without *any* advice on how to do
>      that.

Added this sentence:

  The method of doing this
recommended by these Guidelines is to provide explicitly or by
reference a TEI schema specification against which the document may be
validated. </p>

> * #STINsimpleExample/p[1]: The antecedent of "it" in second sentence
>   is murky. Suggestion: "In ODD format, the heart of such a
>   customization looks like this:".

Not that murky -- there's only possible singular nominal antecedent --
and this isn't the heart, it's all there is of the schemaspec!
but anyway now reads

"The simplest customization of the TEI scheme combines just the
four recommended modules mentioned above. In ODD format, this schema
specification takes this form:"

> * #STINsimpleExample/p[2], "The schema specification itself is also
>   given an identifier (<ident>TEI-minimal</ident>) and the start
>   point, or root element, is specified by means of the
>   <att>start</att> attribute.": it's not clear what the root element
>   is the root element of. Suggestion:
>      The schema specification itself is also given an identifier
>      (<ident>TEI-minimal</ident>) and the start point, or root
>      element, of instances valid against the schema being defined is
>      specified by means of the <att>start</att> attribute.

Yes, this is confusing. I've moved the sentence about the @start to 
later in the paragraph.
> * #STINsimpleExample/p[2]: typo: "declarationsm"

two finger typnig gets you every time

> * #STINsimpleExample/p[2], "... or in principal any another schema
>   language."
>   1) shouldn't "principal" be "principle"?

 >blush< er yes

>   2) I don't know that this is true; could the TEI (or any other
>      complex closed schema) be expressed in an open schema language
>      like Schematron? I'd be more comfortable saying "... or in
>      principle any another closed schema language.", although I'm not
>      sure that "closed" is still the jargon that's used for this -- I
>      may be out-of-date.

I would rather not go into the distinction between open and closed 
schema languages here. I have replaced "another" by "any other 
adequately powerful"

> * //div[@xml:id='STINlargerExample']/p[4]/x:egXML[1]: I think it
>   would be good to insert comments as one might in a real
>   customization:
>     <schemaSpec ident="TEI-PROJECT" start="TEI">
>       <moduleRef key="tei"/>
>       <moduleRef key="header"/>
>       <moduleRef key="core"/>
>       <moduleRef key="textstructure"/>
>       <moduleRef key="msdescription"/> <!-- Manuscript Description -->
>       <moduleRef key="transcr"/>       <!-- Transcription of Primary Sources -->
>       <moduleRef key="namesdates"/>    <!-- Names, Dates, People, and Places -->
>     </schemaSpec>

Sure, if you like

> * Last para of #STINlargerExample, "change their names or even add":
>   I'd put in the comma after "names". Also this paragraph is missing
>   a close-paren at the end.


> * #STEC/p[1], last sentence: I found the use of the terms
>   "superclass" and "subclass" confusing throughout, and think that
>   perhaps the way to address them is to define them better here. Here
>   is a first stab, although I'm sure you can do better, Lou:

>      A class (call it A) may also have as a member another class
>      (call it B), in which case B inherits properties from A, and
>      an element that is a member of B inherits both those properties
>      belonging to A and those belonging to B. In these cases A is
>      sometimes called the <term>superclass</> of B, and B a
>      <term>subclass</> of A.

Have rewritten as follows:

...locations. In either case, an element is said to <term>inherit</term>
properties from any classes of which it is a member.  </p>

<p>Classes (and therefore elements which are members of those classes)
may also inherit properties from other classes. For example, supposing
that class A is a member (or a <term>subclass</term>) of class B, any
element which is a member of class A will inherit not only the
properties defined by class A, but also those defined by class B. In
such a situation, we also say that class B is a
<term>superclass</term> of class. The properties of a superclass are
inherited by all members of its subclasses.

> * #STGA//specDesc: Only 5 of the 7 global attributes are mentioned.
>   As for xml:space=, I think that's a good thing, because I do not
>   think that xml:space= should be in the TEI in the first place. If
>   it does remain, it really needs a lot more work, including
>   explanations, examples, etc. 

Happy to nuke it right now, for 1.0. But we ought to get council to 
agree, no?

As for xml:base=, it may be a rare
>   enough use attribute that it should just not be mentioned here, not
>   sure. 

Should be mentioned, definitely, if it's global. But probably it should 
be in att.global.linking, and hence wouldnt be documented here but in 
SA. This would slightly limit the flexibility of your addressing 
capabilities unless that module was loaded, but maybe that's livable with?

>   Also, I thought we had agreed that the new rendition-pointer
>   attribute would be named rendRef=, not rendition=.

I'm easy either way. What do other council members think (if there's 
anyone still reading this?)

> * I think that the discussion following the first two paras in #STGA
>   might usefully be further divided into divisions:
>     <div xml:id="STGAid"><head>Element Identification and Labeling</head>
>       <p>The value supplied ... therefore probably redundant.</p>
>     </div>
>     <div xml:id="STGAla"><head>Indicating Language</head>
>       <p>The <att>xml:lang</att> attribute ... header (see section
>         <ptr target="#HD41"/>).</p>
>     </div>
>     <div xml:id="STGAre"><head>Indicating Rendition</head>
>       <p>The <att>rend</att> attribute ... be closely related.  </p>
>     </div>

OK. This brings us down to div5 or so, but what the hay.

> * //div[@xml:id='STGA']/p[4], last sentence "used to denote two
>   different element types": although it is true that 'p' and 'P'
>   denote two different element types, what's important for this para
>   is that they denote two distinctly different values of xml:id= and
>   thus two different occurrences of XML elements. Easy fix is to
>   change "types" to "occurrences".


> * //div[@xml:id='STGA']/p[5], "the same identifier,a validating XML":
>   typo, missing space after comma.


> * //div[@xml:id='STGA']//x:egXML[1]: since the example is invalid, I
>   think rather than escaping part of it to avoid an error message, we
>   should either tolerate the error message or encode the whole things
>   as <eg>. (Having them look different from each other is icky;
>   having the whole example look different because it is an <eg> and
>   most others are <egXML> is good: it *is* different.)

I agree they should look consistent. I have left it as egXML though as 
otherwise we lose the bib reference.

> * //div[@xml:id='STGA']//x:egXML[2]: whole example and numbers in
>   preceding sentence need to be replaced. 

Why? Nothing wrong with your proposed replacement but what's wrong with 
leaving things as they are? Is your replacement from some source where 
this kind of error actually occurred (in which case where?)

Here is a possible
>   replacement: 
>   transcribed from a faulty original in which the number 3 is
>   used twice, and 5 is omitted:
>   <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples"><list type="ordered">
>     <item n="1">The Bride</item>
>     <item n="2">The Groom</item>
>     <item n="3">The Courtship</item>
>     <item n="3">The Preparations</item>
>     <item n="5">The Announcement</item>
>     <item n="6">The Festivities</item>
>     <item n="7">The Wedding</item>
>     <item n="8'>Honeymoon</item>
>   </list></egXML>
>   <!-- adapted from Goldsmith, William, _The Princess Bride_ -->

> * //div[@xml:id='STGA']/p[16]/x:egXML[1] (has string "text-style"),
>   and moreover the <rendition> tagdog: didn't we discuss using MIME
>   types instead of schemes? Did we agree one way or the other? I
>   don't think there is a MIME type for XSLFO (other than text/xml),
>   is there? If we decide to keep scheme= over mimeType= (aka
>   att.internetMedia), I really think this should be a "semi" list
>   without "other", not a closed list.

We did discuss this on council list, and this proposal was the one 
accepted. I'd prefer not to reopen the discussion at this late stage.

> * //div[@xml:id='STGA']/p[17], last sentence "mechanisms for
>   describing font families, weight, and styles": it's my age-old
>   training in typesetting coming through, bucking against the modern
>   (now decades old, I'm sure) mis-use of the term "font", I'm sure,
>   but I'd prefer this read "mechanisms for describing type faces,
>   weight, and styles".

Well, I suppose we can indulge an old timer on this for once in a while. 
Actually, us old timers really prefer "typeface" as a single word.

> * //div[@xml:id='STGA']/p[18]: I don't like the construction
>   "X/HTML". I'd prefer to just say "XHTML", period. But if you feel
>   we really have to make it clear that it's true of HTML as well,
>   then spell it out: "HTML or XHTML".

> * #STECCM/p[4]: I'd be inclined to change "... its structural
>   location. Those elements (or ..." to "... its structural location.
>   E.g., those elements (or ..."; also this paragraph is missing a
>   close-paren at the end.

OK: inserted "For example," rather than "E.g." though.

> * #STECCM/p[5]: I'd be inclined to change "The same class will
>   contain different members ... of model classes) will differ
>   depending on ..." to "The same class may contain different members
>   ... of model classes) may differ depending on ..." as some classes
>   do not change their membership based on which models are loaded
>   (except for the base 4 modules, of course :-)


> * #STECCM/p[7]: Change "at all the <gi>element</gi> must be
>   available" to "at all the <gi>g</gi> element must be available".

Ooops. yes.

> * #STECCM/p[9]: Change "Just as there a few classes" to "Just as
>   there are a few classes".


> * <div><head>The Basic TEI Class Structure</head> is missing an
>   xml:id=.

AIB? it has one now

> * I noticed that the <desc> of macro.limitedContent does not end in a
>   period, as it probably should. There must be others. I will send a
>   list shortly.

On my last minute checklist (along with punctuation of list items)

> * macro.schemapattern tagdoc: the name should be macro.schemaPattern,
>   and the <desc> is almost gibberish. How about "Contains a RELAX NG
>   content model which permits the elements necessary to define XML
>   content models and attribute value constraints in a given schema
>   language." or some such?

Yes: renaming the macro is on my list, and I will try to make its desc a 
but less vague then.

> * #STECST/table: Inconsistent use of initial cap in description
>   column (I prefer no initial caps here). "Empty elements" might be
>   more usefully described as "Elements that cannot have any content"
>   or some such. (Not a big deal, as "empty element" is defined in SG
>   I believe.)

> * #DTYPES/p[5]: scale= of <graphic> is not data.probability (so it
>   should be moved), and there should be no comma between
>   "data.numeric" and "include". (Smells like a copy-and-paste
>   boo-boo! :-)

removed ref to @scale

> * #DTYPES/p[7] (immediately after <specList> that starts with
>   data.duration.w3c): The <specList> does not list the .iso versions
>   of the temporal datatypes, which I think I would prefer to see
>   included. 

Have added them

But we certainly shouldn't attribute an ISO 8601 format
>   to a W3C datatype as this para does. Also RFC 3066 should either be
>   RFC 4646 (more precise, but will need to be updated when RFC
>   changes) or BCP 47 (a tad less precise, but should endure for
>   foreseeable future). Suggested rewording:

>      <p>Note that in each of these cases the values used are those
>      recommended by existing international standards: ISO 8601 as
>      profiled by <title>XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second
>      Edition</title> in the cases of durations, times, and dates; W3C
>      Schema datatypes in the case of truth values; BCP 47 in the case
>      of language; and ISO 5218 in the case of sex.</p>


> * The <desc> of the data.pattern tagdoc is at best ambiguous. What
>   this datatype is really doing is declaring that the attribute value
>   (although I'm still uncomfortable with our limiting datatypes to
>   attribute values -- a P5 1.5 issue, I'm sure :-) should be
>   interpreted as a regular expression. Didn't we also used to
>   explicitly say which regular expression language, too: (it was
>   W3C)?

Please propose a rewording.

> * The <desc> of the data.name tagdoc: change to
>      <desc>defines the range of attribute values expressed as an <ref
>        target="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-name">XML
>        Name</ref></desc>

Have added link to the tagdoc notes. House style deprecates use of 
hidden links in the body of text.

> * The <desc> of data.enumerated: change "a single word or token" to
>   "an XML Name".

OK. Also added same comment on what an XML Name is.

> * //div[@xml:id='DTYPES']/p[10] (right after the data.code
>   <specDesc>): 
>   1) "only attribute defined as of type": delete "of"

deleted "defined"

>   2) "their possible values: and any string of": delete "and"


>   3) last clause: I am really uncomfortable with this. The
>      implication is that a user couldn't redefine data.key in order
>      to get some nice validation constraints. But that's one of the
>      main reasons we want the indirection of using data.key instead
>      of just 'text' directly! Furthermore, users really really want
>      to know where to document such things. If we say it goes in the
>      TEI Header, we should say where in the TEI Header.
>      How about something like:
>         Any constraints on their values, such as the rules for
>         constructing a valid database key in a particular system, may
>         be documented in a <tagUsage> element in the the TEI Header,
>         but are not enforced by the datatype as defined here. The TEI
>         may be customized using the methods described in <ptr
>         target="#MD"> such that some constraints will be enforced by
>         validation software.

OK, reworded to make this point.

> * //div[@xml:id='DTYPES']/p[13], "Attributes of type <ident
>   type="datatype">data.enumerated</ident>, such as
>   <att>anchored</att> on <gi>note</gi>": anchored= of <note> is no
>   longer data.enumerated.

changed to @new on <shift>

> * I think this section of DTYPES (between 13th & 14th paras, i.e. a
>   new third-to-last para) might be a good place to reiterate that
>   users are expected to customize TEI at least to supply value lists
>   for attributes that are data.enumerated for which the TEI does not
>   supply a list, if not to close lists TEI has left open, add values,
>   etc. 

Yes, maybe. But first I have to figure out what to do about the 
description of data.code which seems to be some distance away from reality.

> * As discussed previously, the list of classes & macros defined
>   should not be in the chapter.

Formatting issue. I think it's useful, even in the case of this 
"module", meself.
> * #STOV/p[2], "this TEI module make extensive use of": add 's' after
>   "make". 

> * #STOV/p[3]: I am not sure that it is important to map out the
>   organization of the RELAX NG schema fragments in the chapters. I'd
>   be inclined not to do so. But surely we have already agreed (in
>   Berlin) that the Guidelines should not discuss how to stitch
>   together DTD fragments, so the map of the DTD fragment should be
>   deleted.

Deleted everything following first "... further discussed in chapter IM"

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