[tei-council] more facsimile test

Dan O'Donnell daniel.odonnell at uleth.ca
Tue Sep 25 14:40:41 EDT 2007

What XSLT is producing this? It's great!

On Sat, 2007-22-09 at 16:58 +0100, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> I made a simpler test file today, with a single graphic corresponding
> to the whole surface, and a series of zones to identify areas
> in the picture. You can see a rendering at
> http://users.ox.ac.uk/~rahtz/test4.html
> where the text elements have a mouseover which reveals
> the corrresponding area of the picture.
> This may be easier to understand than some of our more complex examples.
> <facsimile>
>     <surface xml:id="grave" ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="355" lry="678">
>       <graphic url="gravestone-cropped.jpg"/>
>       <zone  ulx="83" uly="223" lrx="272" lry="256" xml:id="line1"/>
>       <zone  ulx="92" uly="251" lrx="256" lry="282" xml:id="line2"/>
>       <zone  ulx="21" uly="281" lrx="330" lry="308" xml:id="line3"/>
>       <zone  ulx="36" uly="306" lrx="320" lry="332" xml:id="line4"/>
>       <zone  ulx="85" uly="535" lrx="249" lry="556" xml:id="line5"/>
>       <zone  ulx="97" uly="556" lrx="241" lry="576" xml:id="line6"/>
>       <zone  ulx="58" uly="577" lrx="281" lry="595" xml:id="line7"/>
>       <zone  ulx="68" uly="595" lrx="271" lry="613" xml:id="line8"/>
>     </surface>
>     </facsimile>
>     <text>
>       <body>
>     <div facs="#grave">
>       <p>Private Moulds' gravestone</p>
>       <div>
>         <ab>
>           <s facs="#line1">12851 PRIVATE</s>
>           <lb/>
>           <s facs="#line2">H. MOULDS</s>
>           <lb/>
>           <s facs="#line3">NORTHAMPTONSHIRE REGT.</s>
>           <lb/>
>           <s facs="#line4">23RD JULY 1916 AGED 21</s>
>         </ab>
>         <ab>
>           <s facs="#line5">LOVING SON OF </s>
>           <lb/>
>           <s facs="#line6">MRS MOULDS</s>
>           <lb/>
>           <s facs="#line7">PETERBORO, ENGLAND</s>
>           <lb/>
>           <s facs="#line8">FOR EVER WITH US</s>
>           <lb/>
>         </ab>
>       </div>
>     </div>
Daniel Paul O'Donnell, PhD
Chair, Text Encoding Initiative <http://www.tei-c.org/>
Director, Digital Medievalist Project <http://www.digitalmedievalist.org/>
Associate Professor and Chair of English
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge AB T1K 3M4
Vox: +1 403 329 2378
Fax: +1 403 382-7191
Homepage: http://people.uleth.ca/~daniel.odonnell/

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