[tei-council] bibliography

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Mon Sep 24 12:22:34 EDT 2007

Le 24 sept. 07 à 18:20, Lou Burnard a écrit :

> Laurent Romary wrote:
>> As a matter of fact we have converted all bibliographical  
>> references  from the Dictionary chapter into <biblStruct>.
> Hmm. Not visibly in the text of DI in sourceforge. Do you mean you  
> have them somewhere else?

Yeap. Here on my laptop... see below. But I did not know how to bring  
this in the debate ;-)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema="file:/Users/sabinekrott/Desktop/biblextended.rnc"  
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
                        <!--  original version

                 <note place="foot">We refer the reader to previous  
and current discussions of a common
                 format for encoding dictionaries. For  
example,<bibl>Robert A. Amsler and Frank W.
                 Tompa, <title level="a">An SGML-Based Standard for  
English Monolingual
                 Dictionaries,</title> in<title>Information in Text:  
Fourth Annual Conference
                 of the U[niversity of] W[aterloo] Centre for the New  
Oxford English
                 Dictionary</title> October 26–28, 1988, Waterloo,  
Canada, pp.
                 61–79</bibl>;<bibl>Nicoletta Calzolari et al.,  
<title level="a">Computational
                 Model of the Dictionary Entry: Preliminary Report,</ 
title> Acquilex: Esprit
                 Basic Research Action No. 3030, Six-Month  
Deliverable, Pisa, April
                 1990</bibl>;<bibl>John Fought and Carol Van Ess- 
Dykema,<title level="a">Toward
                 an SGML Document Type Definition for Bilingual  
Dictionaries,</title> TEI
                 working paper TEI AIW20 (available from the TEI)</ 
bibl>;<bibl>Nancy Ide and Jean
                 Veronis, <title level="a">Encoding Print  
Dictionaries</title>, <title>Computers
                 and the Humanities</title> 29: 167–195, 1995</ 
bibl>;<bibl>Nancy Ide, Jacques
                 Le Maitre, and Jean Veronis, <title  
level="a">Outline of a Model for Lexical
                 Databases,</title> (Information Processing and  
Management, 29, 2, 159–186,
                 1993)</bibl>;<bibl>Nancy Ide, Jean Veronis, Susan  
Warwick- Armstrong, Nicoletta
                 Calzolari,<title level="a">Principles for Encoding  
machine readable
                 dictionaries</title>, <title>Proceedings of the  
Fifth EURALEX International
                 Congress, EURALEX'92</title>, University of Tampere,
                 Finland</bibl>;<bibl>The DANLEX Group, <title  
level="a">Descriptive tools for
                 electronic processing of dictionary data,</title> in  
                 Series Maior</title> (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1987)</ 
bibl>; and<bibl>A. Tutin
                 and Jean Véronis, J. (1998). <title  
level="a">Electronic dictionary encoding:
                 customizing the TEI Guidelines</title>, in  
<title>Proceedings of the Eighth
                 Euralex International Congress</title>, 1998</bibl>;  
                 N.</author>, <author>Kilgarriff, A.</author>,  
<author>Romary, L.</author>
                 (2000). <title level="a">A Formal Model of  
Dictionary Structure and
                 Content.</title> Proceedings of Euralex 2000,  
Stuttgart, 113-126.</bibl>.</note> -->

                     <title level="a">An SGML-Based Standard for  
English Monolingual
                     <title level="m" type="main">Information in  
                     <title level="m" type="subordinate">Fourth  
Annual Conference of the U[niversity
                         of] W[aterloo] Centre for the New Oxford  
English Dictionary</title>
                     <meeting>October 26-28, 1988, Waterloo, Canada</ 
                         <pubPlace>Waterloo, Canada</pubPlace>
                         <date when="1988-10">October 1988</date>
                         <biblScope type="pp">pp. 61-79</biblScope>

                         <note>et al.</note>
                     <title level="m" type="main">Computational Model  
of the Dictionary Entry</title>
                     <title level="m" type="subordinate">Preliminary  
                     <note>Acquilex: Esprit Basic Research Action No.  
3030, Six-Month Deliverable</note>
                         <date when="1990-04">April 1990</date>

                         <surname>Van Ess-Dykema</surname>
                     <title level="m">Toward and SGML Document Type  
Definition for Bilingual
                     <note>TEI working paper TEI AIW20</note>
                         <publisher>available from the TEI</publisher>

                     <title level="a">Encoding Print Dictionaries</ 
                     <title level="j">Computers and the Humanities</ 
                         <biblScope type="vol">29</biblScope>
                         <biblScope type="pp">167-195</biblScope>

                         <surname>Le Maitre</surname>
                     <title level="a">Outline of a Model for Lexical  
                     <title level="j">Information Processing and  
                         <biblScope type="vol">29</biblScope>
                         <biblScope type="issue">2</biblScope>
                         <biblScope type="pp">159-186</biblScope>

                     <title level="a">Principles for Encoding machine  
readable dictionaries</title>
                     <title level="m" type="main">Proceedings of the  
Fifth EURALEX International
                     <title level="m" type="subordinate">EURALEX'92</ 
                     <meeting>University of Tampere, Finland</meeting>
                         <biblScope type="pp"/>

                     <author>The DANLEX Group</author>
                     <title level="a">Descriptive tools for  
electronic processing of dictionary
                     <title level="j">Lexicographica, Series Maior</ 

                     <title level="a" type="main">Electronic  
dictionary encoding</title>
                     <title level="a" type="subordinate">customizing  
the TEI Guidelines</title>
                     <title level="m">Proceedings of the Eight  
Euralex International Congress</title>

                     <title level="a">A Formal Model of Dictionary  
Structure and Content</title>
                     <title level="m">Proceedingsof Euralex 2000</title>
                         <biblScope type="pp">113-126</biblScope>

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