[tei-council] FW: Further update on PH

Conal Tuohy Conal.Tuohy at vuw.ac.nz
Wed Sep 19 07:52:47 EDT 2007

OK I am prepared to concede permitting facsimile/graphic and facsimile/surface/graphic as shortcuts for facsimile/surface/zone/graphic (though frankly I think their value as shortcuts is negligible, and I think they will complicate processing, including validation).

I want to clarify the intended semantics of these shortcuts, especially with respect to bounding boxes. It seems to me that if we have no explicit surface specified, or no zone, then we should interpret this to mean that the precise location of the image or images with respect to the page is not defined, and they should be intepreted identically to graphics which had been nested inside surface and zone elements without @box attributes. Does that seem right right?

e.g. If a facsimile element contains graphics, then each graphic child of facsimile is implicitly considered to be in a zone within a surface of its own. The bounding box of the implicit surface is not defined, and neither is the bounding box of the implicit zone.

   <!-- ... -->
      <graphic xml:id="p1" url="p1.png"/>

      <pb facs="#p1" n="1"/>
      <p>Text of the first page</p>

The above would be equivalent to:

   <!-- ... -->
      <surface><!-- with no bounding box -->
         <zone xml:id="p1"><!-- with no bounding box -->
            <graphic url="p1.png"/>

      <pb facs="#p1" n="1"/>
      <p>Text of the first page</p>


If a surface element contains graphics, then all such graphic children of are implicitly considered to be in a "default" zone within a surface. The bounding box of this implicit zone is not defined.


   <!-- ... -->
      <surface xml:id="p1">
         <graphic url="a.png"/>
         <graphic url="b.png"/>

      <pb facs="#p1" n="1"/>
      <p>Text of the first page</p>

The above would be equivalent to:

   <!-- ... -->
         <zone xml:id="p1"><!-- (no specific bounding box) -->
            <graphic url="a.png"/>
            <graphic url="b.png"/>

      <pb facs="#p1" n="1"/>
      <p>Text of the first page</p>

Does that seem reasonable?

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