[tei-council] MS Manuscript Description chapter: notes (part 1)

Arianna Ciula arianna.ciula at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 5 12:59:51 EDT 2007

Lou Burnard wrote:

>> - example with multiple foliation schemes: TO DO
>> I could provide one.
> Please do!


MS 65 Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
"The music pages are 2 flyleaves at the end of the ms and bear an 
original foliation (XCIII =modern 135, and C =modern 136)."

where the specific locations in the MS could be wrapped as following:
<locus scheme="original">XCIII</locus>
<locus scheme="modern">135</locus>

>> - I wander whether <institution> should actually be part of
>> model.placeNamePart.
>> In this way, leaving the content model of <msIdentifier> as is, you 
>> would have a sequence
>> with:
>> * one or more elements -that may occur only once- defining the 
>> location in general (members of model.placeNamePart_sequenceOptional)
>> * one or two elements (repository/collection) defining the internal 
>> location
>> At the same time though <institution> seems to be a special case of what
>> is now <orgName>. Should this be at least mentioned?
> This does seem problematic. Can an institution have more than one 
> physical location? I would rather think that it can: hence it seems to 
> be more like an orgName than a placeName. Maybe we should throw out 
> institution in favour of orgName ?

Yes, I do agree that <institution> is more like an <orgName> and I 
wouldn't cry if we use <orgName> and take out <institution>.

> Is a <repository> a kind of orgName or a kind of placeName? It seems 
> more like the latter. the BL Sound Archive for example has more than one 
> repository in different places.
> No change yet, pending further contemplation.

mh... <repository> seems to be more of a <placeName>.


>> - "As mentioned above, the smallest possible description is one that
>> contains only the element <msIdentifier>; internally to that element,
>> the three subelements <settlement>, <repository>, and <idno> are
>> required, since they provide what is, by common consent, the minimum
>> amount of information necessary to identify a manuscript."
>> But this is not what is enforced by the schema for <msIdentifier> 
>> which is - rightly in my opinion - more permissive.
> Wording changed:
>  <p>As mentioned above, the smallest possible description is one that
> contains only the element <gi>msIdentifier</gi>; good practice in all
> but exceptional circumstances requires the presence of the three
> subelements <gi>settlement</gi>, <gi>repository</gi>, and
> <gi>idno</gi> are required, since they provide what is, by common
> consent, the minimum amount of information needed to identify a
> manuscript.</p>
>> - "In the latter, however, the subelements, if used, must be given in 
>> the order specified above; they may be repeated, with the exception of 
>> <rubric>, <incipit>, and <explicit>, each of which can appear only once."
>> unless I am wrong, should be substituted with:
>> "In the latter, however, the subelements, if used, must be given in 
>> the order specified above; they may be repeated, with the exception of 
>> <rubric>, <incipit>, <finalRubric>, <textLang> and <explicit>, each of 
>> which can appear only once."
> Correct. Also added a sentence to point ouit that msItemStruct can also 
> self-nest, bizarrely. The more I look at it, the more I think this 
> element is a Bad Idea, but I suppose I'd better not kill it just yet.
> [... more to come later! ...]

Dr Arianna Ciula
Research Associate
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London
London WC2R 2LS (UK)
Tel: +44 (0)20 78481945

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