[tei-council] Re: figurin' about <figure>

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Wed Jul 25 14:47:18 EDT 2007

> am in a parallel universe? this is what <head> is for, surely? the
> example in *Spec for <figure> seems clear to me

Yes, when they're short and heading-like, one could encode them as
<head>. But not all are like that.

  <figure n="7">
    <head>Transition Network</head>
    <ab type="caption">Transition network for DetHi behaviour on
    indeterminate ques&shy;
    <lb/>tions. Nodes represent rules, and their areas represent the
    frequency at
    <lb/>which that rule was invoked. Links represent the
    probability of transition
    <lb/>from one rule to another; transitions at 10% probability and
    below are not shown</ab>
  <!-- adapted from "Hyperproof: Abstraction, Visual Preference and
    Modality" by Oberlander, Stenning, and Cox, in Moss, Ginzburg,
    and de Rijke eds. _Logic, Language, and Computation_ -->
> > (Although we are in the process of agreeing that we should
> > recommend <ab> instead.)

> gracious. I'll burn myself at the stake rather than go
> down this madness......

Feel free to bow out of the discussion -- wouldn't want you all
burned up. (Although from the sound of it, you could just hop in the
street to douse the flames.)

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